valhaven-beta/journal_entries/valhaven-beta/History/20211024 B Team [adams notes].md

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Dnd Notes 10-24-21 B-Team [Adam's Notes]

  • Unvar finds a cowboy hat pinned to a skull then catches up to the sandworm. He re-captures it and rides it back to pick up the group
  • We huddle around and try to decipher the map
  • Ungvar names the worm Haddie
  • We decide to follow the path laid out on the map
  • During our travels we see some black clouds emitting a hum several miles off the path. This seems to be what the dots on the map were referring to.
  • Dave looks through Infari's spy glass and sees that it seems to be a large swarm of some sort
  • Some of the group suggests that we rest since we've been riding for more than a day. Infaris refuses
  • We see a giant statue with a water at its base on the horizon. Infaris suggests that we rest due to having been traveling for 3 days straight
  • Dave uses the spy glass again and sees that there is a town around the statue that seems to be filled with grey dwarfs
  • Jimco puts his nose to the air and catches a whiff of the shawarma he's been seeking and goes off to find it.
  • Infaris examines statue a bit but doesn't notice anything significant beyond it being massive
  • Walking through the shanty town we notice that nobody seems to really notice us despite our rather auspicious nature.
  • 1/10 of the dwarves has grey skin. 1/5 of them is wearing a collar.
  • The smell leads us into a small market. Jimco heads to a kebob stand and inquires about where we are exactly and buys 2 kebobs
  • One of the slaves yells at Infaris and charges her. Seymour steps up to block and kills him before he could reach her
  • As the guards approach, Infaris demands to speak to their manager
  • They lead us to Thulsa.
  • Once inside Jimco interrogates Thulsa about the shawarma.
  • When we don't seem to be getting anywhere with Thulsa, Seymour charges at some of the brazier and knocks them over catching the tent on fire.
  • We get into a fight outside.
  • Infaris casts Haste on herself and Ungvar so that he can run off and get the Sandworm
  • Thulsa points at Seymour, a bold of black energy shoots out and does 29 points of damage.