796 B
796 B
Dnd Notes 07-30-23
We approach the small village of Teshwave. Bram disguises himself as a guard and leads us into the town.
Tazlin pretends to not speak common while Bram talks to another member of Prime who is punishing the inn keeper who was renting rooms to "undesirables"
We decide to help the the inn keeper. We knock out some of the lower acolytes before the prior comes out to fight.
Tazlin repeatedly restrains him using ensnaring strike. Neif leaps in behind to do some ninja shit. Bram puts him to sleep
River Tesh
lowlands and forest
no powerful beings
no influence from planes
no buildings
Ruins of Zhentil Keep
Large symbol in the center of the keep, according to Davrics notes there is some Theives Cant (in section of languages used in the Zhentarum)