valhaven-beta/journal_entries/valhaven-beta/History/20220123 B Team [adams notes].md

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Dnd Notes 01-23-22 B-Team [Adam's Notes]

  • We enter the crypt and see scorch marks on the wall.
  • We see the other team of adventurers arguing with a robed figure
  • A second robed figures comes running from down the hall yelling about something having escaped.
  • The two robed figures leave the crypt
  • Ungvar trips one of them to interrogate them about Phoenix
  • We head down the corridor and see a minotaur attacking robed figures
  • Infaris uses the power of the Amulet of the Black Skull to teleport past the minotaur
  • "You get pissed, you get Myst"
  • Myst summons a "flaming boy" who smiles and kills the minotaur
  • When Ungvar catches up with Infaris, she shoots another minotaur in the back then prepares to teleport behind it once it starts to head her way
  • Infaris reaches a dead end with a cultist corpse laying in the middle of it
  • Myst teleport himself, Vapor, and Ungvar but it wasn't nearly as cool as Infaris' teleport
  • The minotaur charges the other group of adventurers and gores one of them
  • Vapor summons a solid wall of silver around the minotaur to help the other two escape
  • Ungvar feels a sudden longing for Seymore and has a desire to be near something that was important to Seymore
  • Vapor finds the hidden door that Infaris was looking for
  • Infaris disguises herself as one of the cultists and heads through the illusory wall
  • We come to a room with a large white dragon and a young woman who turns out to be Pheonix
  • She appears to have aged up, her eyes look like dragon eye and starts taunting the group
  • She seems to break some kind of mind control and shoves her dagger into Infaris' hand and tells her to run away.
  • Once the mind control regains control Pheonix casts a spell that teleports the group to some other location