valhaven-beta/journal_entries/valhaven-beta/History/20210418 4-18-21 [peter notes].md

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DND 4-18-21 notes

DanA-- 48 out of body experience

StarShot- the name of the prison.

Ameria has released one of the eight chains. We see stairs leading up (upward is broken) and down ward, and the cycidrical room has several doors around the room. stone dwarven doors above us Ornate wooden on our level iron bar steel doors below us

Ameria knows that there were three more chains on our level and four more below where we are, including one directly below. Not including the one we broke

Meanwhile, out in space, Davric and Brumwik are floating in the void. Alfonso shushes the group, and they head towards a light. The light turns out to be similar to an agler fish. Davric asks if Alfonso has seen this before and he stammers out "Yes!", while the other two doubt him. The fish is giant--building sized. Brumwik casts "Fairy Fire" Alfonso, now in the possibly illusionary fish, screams out "my legs!" Brumwik backs up the way he came, abadoning Alfonso.

Meanwhile, the door opens out into a meadow of greenery and a lush clearing with children froliking. They back out and enter the next wooden door. We see the back of a throne and the sounds of a crowd around the other side. Blaze chops through the last door to reveal a hallway with more doors on either side. Ameria opens the first door on the right, revealing her mother's living room. The first on the left is full of clothes, like a closet. Ameria's in Valhaven! Blaze tries the second door on the right. It is Her Magisty, but the magic door frame blocks the actual door, leaving the person only in the map room unable to leave. Blaze then runs along the hall and opens four doors. They show bedrooms of various stages of his life and one door that opens to a bedroom he doesn't know (future?)

Meanwhile, with the two in the void. They break the illusion of the fish and then meet with a demonic balrog looking thing trapped on a platform? Brumwik talks to the creature in a very conversational manner. Brumwik kicks the magic circle containing the beast and asks him to kill the leader controlling this island. He streatches his wings and says "Ah, it has been 5,000 years since I have been free." -the huge demon. Brumwik tells him Keylith is the target. The demon examines a quick drawing from Brumwik and it then bursts in to flames in his hand. The demon unfurles his wings and begines to fly upwards. He pulls out a massive weapon and begins slashing at the ceiling. As they look up, they see a different void breaking through the colorful space. It looks like a tear in the dimension.

Meanwhile, Ameria and Blaze are in the rooms. They leave the potential new bedroom and head to the next room. They step into the room across the way and see a bridge leading to a large door with two big figures guarding the door -- fire giants. Ameria asks permission to cross and enter, and they yell back "None shall pass." Ameria persuades them to pass and the two enter a chamber. We walk into a small circular room. There is a hook with a carbine in it with rope dangling, being pulled taunt downward. Ameria believes it is a magic chain illusion. Ameria walks up cautiously, scared, and unhooks it. That is 2 down of 8.