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Dnd 3-21-21 notes
58- Nief is in a hypnotic trance
We head to the woods and search for ingredients. Bark off a tree, wild root veggies, leaves from a tri-pointed plant.
One ingredient has magical properties. It is a white-ish clear color, like quartz. It is a mineral.
Davric asks Ameria about the caves she knows of on the island. She says that she does not know much about caving, rolling her eyes.
Oswald believes it may be in Starshot. We ask him to teleport us to it.
We appear near the bridge, above ground. It is like a huge Star Destroyer ship. It is like an iceberg, we only see the tip.
Ameria turns to Oswald and asks "magic is difficult to use in Starshot, yes?" He confirms that.
We can take a long rest for the night while Oswald trains Ameria in concentration so she can safely use magic in the Starshot.
Brumwik throws an apple at Oswald, but it suddenly hits him in the back of the head.
We enter into the bridge and see a long staircase going down.
We decend through the switchbacks, like a fire escape. We come to a collapsed section, where the stairs turn into a rope down.
I decesend by climbing down the rope and wave the others down.
Davric slowfalls down. Brumwik swirls down fancily, and Ameria glides down with wings.
We find ourselves in a ballroom.
John has a party hat on for his birthday.
A voice from the other side of the ballroom says "Welcome to my domain."
Ameria asks who is speaking.
I am Rakeesh.
He asks what we want, as Davric explains what we are looking for.
Ameria moves forward to search for him, but doesn't see him.
Blaze moves forward towards the stairs.
Ameria has to pass Concentration DC 15 or higher for spells.
Ameria tries to detect magic but fails to sense anything arwy.
Blaze and Ameria move forward. THey smell a sweet smell on the ballroom floor.
The Starshot is a Haulerin ship in origin.
We are charmed by the old man, and Blaze picks up a barrel while Ameria introduces us to him.
He then attacks Ameria, swiping at her with some sort of claws.
Ameria flies backward and then magically surges. For one minute- she must shout when she speaks.
Suddenly, a kalioscope-type object appears in the sky and we are all incapacitated.
A mythical item that legend has said appears when a soul reaches a new age. Most believe this to be a fallacy, as the item does not appear for most. The story claims that once the cap chooses a holder, there is a higher chance it will appear for the holder's companions in the future.
Once it appears, the myth tells of incredible properties when worn, and within 24 hours of its appearance, it is said to disappear just as silently as it arrived.
The holder of this cap can create one of the following Effects of their choice (per charge):
• You create one object of up to 1,000 gp in value that isn’t a magic item. The object can be no more than 100 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.
• You allow up to three creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all Effects on them.
• You grant up to two creatures that you can see resistance to a damage type you choose.
• You grant up to two creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 4 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and a companion immune to a lich’s life drain attack.
• You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, you could undo an opponent’s successful save, a foe’s critical hit, or a friend’s failed save. You can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll.
John wishes he and Ameria out of the trance.
Brumwik casts web on the old man Rakeesh.
Ameria tries to disintegrate the old man with a spell, hitting him for 76.
She rolls a 69, she feels energy burst out of her, but nothing happens.
She firebolts the kaliescope, but fails the concentration check and rolls a 33. Adam rolls 5, and Ameria is now 5 years younger.
The kaliescope disappears and all but Blaze roll a wisdom saving throw.
Davric moves across the dance floor and throws a dart at the old man. The dart goes through him and pings against the wall behind Blaze.
The old man attempts to dominate person on Davric. It succeeds.
Blaze swings his greatsword at the old man. The attack swipes right through him. He disappears, it was an illusion.
He reappears next to Davric, who is charmed.
The old man steps to the side and seems to disappear.