valhaven-beta/journal_entries/valhaven-beta/History/20190127 1-27-19[peter notes].md

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On the airship, descending lower from the giant mountain. A lever on airship is black, blue, red, green, yellow? Maybe controls speed. Billy watches the pilot to learn more.
Other lever is left alone and not touched by driver. When asked by Billy, Gazmyer says it goes to Blahhslhhahguh. Billy thinks that it is a real name of a place. Billy asks gazlow how to fly the ship and trusts him competeley. Broomwik and Balric down below reovering / vomiting Uligial broods and protects the lever (that takes Mindflayers to another plane) Uligial, after much debate, decides to not skywrite near the Nightingale Tower

Arrive above the town of Valhaven, lower ship behind the headquarters in town Lands and drops its kick-stand (like a bicycle) Gazlow drops to the ground and kisses the grass in celebration of being on the ground Balric does so as well Billy and Ulligial tie up the airship via ropes to trees near the headquarters Davric is amazed by face mountain in town, starts taking prodigious notes and interviewing others

The gang enters town.

Brumwik is hunting? No, he goes to the restaurant "Deez Nutz" to eat

Ask around to sell art. Townsfolk say Osborne may know who would buy it. Fantastic Francine owns an art gallery in town, too. Osborne hangs out in the city square. Osborne, after a small agrument about the paintings/their ownership, invites Balric and Billy back to his place for second breakfast. He lives in a mansion that was a former council member's.

Ulligial goes into shop and says he wants to "hold an abnormal amount." Damnian, the shop keep, pulls out a messanger bag and can remove a poleax and suit of armor from it. He then jumps into the bag 1/2 way. The bag can hold 46 cu. ft. and 500 lbs of contents. Ulligial purchases a Bag of Holding for 150 gp. ([sic] It is snakeskin. (said later in the session))

Meanwhile Billy and Balric are eating a 5-course brunch with all the trimmings at Osborne's. Billy tries to check the food for poison, while Balric and Osborne eat the food without care Billy grills Osborne about his reason for being in town. Osborne says that he just likes to experience life and travel, starts telling tales about when he saved another town from snake people Billy is not interested in his tales. Through Insight, Billy learns nothing about his tall tales and if they are true or not. Balric and Billy leave brunch in a huff after not believing a word he says.

At Fantastic Francine's, she buys Balric's horse painting for 150 gp. Seascape for 150 gp sold too. Third is an airship tied up outside a house; she offers 140 gp. 440gp total- 40 platium and 40 gp Billy asks Francine for budget or discount art works. Painting of the Face Mountain is 10 gp, Billy buys it. Frame is another 2 gp. Osborne has sold 5-6 paintings to Francine for 500gp each. Billy storms out of shop after insulting the art. Balric tactfully bows out of the shop after him.

Ulligial walks by and finds Billy and Balric outside of Fantastic Francisine's shop. They swap stories about what they did shopping-wise and dealing with Osborne.

Brumwik is still in Deez Nutz.

Brumwik later meets up with Davric and follows him around Davric tries to learn more about Osborne through townsperson interviews Davric learns that 40 men left for a nearby forest to gather "herbs" for Osborne outside of town. He needs them for "reasons," and to "feel relaxed." These men volunteered- a mix of guards, a council man, farmers, other more common folk. We leave off with the gang needing to meet up as a group/finish shopping/learn more about Osborne//group in forest