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D&D notes 5-17-20
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The decaton has landed in front of us. Davric asks "do you think that anything other than our death is acceptable." After a conversation amoung the drones, one flies off to find out. To answer, two monodrones stab out at him, hitting him but Davoric quickly punches the leader decatron.
Devorin mans a balista on the ship and yells out "you sure you're our death, fatty."
They ignore Tommy's vicious mockery.
Ameria fires two firebolts, with one missing and one killing a monodrone.
Balric disguises himself as a tridrone and tries to persuade them to stop by acting like he is giving orders. The drones and trons ignore him, looking angry.
Davric sends out a flurry of blows, killing a monodrone and a tridrone.
A monodrone rushes Balric and stabs him once.
Davorin jumps down off the ship and charges into battle. He uses his Sword of Vengeance and Shortsword dual-wielded to stab a pentadrone.
Just then, a monodrone shows up and talks to the Decatron. He confirms "yes, we are here to kill you."
Ameria uses magic missiles to hit seven different targets, slightly damaging them all.
Decaton heals a pentadrone
A doudrone twitches and shakes, morphing into a tridrone.
Balric kills one doudrone and his elrich blast hits a pentadrone down into the cogs, which it plummits to its death below.
Suddenly, four drones burst from the wall near Tommy and a monodrone. THe wall crushes Tommy and the robot, and they yell out "come with us if you want to live." Tommy's head flies thru the air and lands at Balric's feet, shocking the CoF members.
The four punk-rock looking drones are Crescendo, Tuple, Isosceles, and R3F@CT0R.
Davric moves over to them and says "welcome to the resistance, brother. We will win this."
The Decaton charges after Davric and hits R3F@CT0R.
As we escape, Balric grabs Tommy's journal that I see on the ground as a keepsake.
A masked man is seen appearing suddenly to collect Tommy's skull. He then disappears.
We are led through a series of tunnels and emerge to a small skiff (like Jabba's smaller ships). We head full-speed ahead to one of the barren, deserted cogs that we saw on entry into the plane.
We emerge into a small hidden alcove that is their hideout.
Possible outcome: Out walks Two-Hand Tommy in the hideout, who is half-robot now.