valhaven-beta/journal_entries/valhaven-beta/History/20220320 B Team [adams notes].md

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Dnd Notes 03-20-22 B-Team [Adam's Notes]

  • We can see clouds forming on the other continent
  • We approach the abandoned shack
  • The DM is REALLY sour about the hot air balloons
  • There is a really good smell coming from the shack
  • Vaper takes a look inside and sees a hideous figure over a pot. The creatures hair seems to be moving on its own and has red skin.
  • Infaris casts Disguise Self to make herself appear to be of the same race as the creature and enters the shack
  • Turns out to be a medusa who turns and attacks
  • Vapor uses E-Blast to shove her against the wall
  • Ungvar charges in and accidentally hits Infaris
  • Infars huffs and puffs then blows the shack down
  • As it falls apart Ungvar chops and hacks into the medusa and basically kills her before leaving the shack before it's destroyed
  • Vapor hears a voice coming from his waterskin. Turns out to be his patron
  • The patron commands Vapor to kill Balricstein. He is near the High Forest in Faerun
  • Vapor re-emerges soaking wet
  • We set up camp and eat some of the medusa's stew. It turns out to be poisoned which forces Infaris to create the "Diarrhea Pit"
  • We get what rest we can for the night and get a late start the next morning
  • We climb up a bit and come across a flying tadpole, its a Nilith
  • Vapor casts fear to chase it off but we see 6 more up ahead
  • Our plan for next time is to have Vapor cast Darkness and Infaris cast Storm Sphere in the same spot so we can sneak past