valhaven-beta/journal_entries/valhaven-beta/History/20221204 B Team [adams notes].md
2022-12-04 19:08:09 -06:00

967 B

Dnd Notes 12-04-22 B-Team

  • Ungvar is accosted by a murder of crows who he feeds with stale bread. They give him some gold they dug out of a fountain
  • We book passage on a small river boat, it seems to be mostly crewed by half orcs with Gruumsh tattoo. The captain is named Gungar
  • Ungvar chats with some of the crew who mention the city Irzur where the pants of Obould were said to be kept
  • Mid-journey we get attacked by some giant seagulls and a hydra
  • Vapor traps the hydra in a whirlpool, while the beast thrashes around it tail punctured a hole in the bottom of the ship
  • Gungar gives Ungvar a cloak of the manta ray to help combat the hydra
  • Jimco gets to work below deck coordinating efforts to bail water and fix the ship
  • Much larger tentacles appear to kill the hydra and pull us down beneath the waters, a voice calls out that seems to know Vapor. Summoning us to his temple
  • Infaris starts digging for oil so she can light it on fire underwater