valhaven-beta/journal_entries/valhaven-beta/History/20221023 B Team [adams notes].md
2022-10-30 20:35:41 -05:00

886 B

Dnd Notes 10-23-22 B-Team

  • Vapor, Jimco and Ungvar are led to some jail cells
  • Infaris disguises herself as a guard and enters the jail. She convinces the guard to let her see the evidence locker and interrogate the prisoners
  • 2 potions of invisibility, 2 minor potions of healing, 6 bloopers and a green vial and some guard outfits
  • Jimco casts detect magic and sees that all of the cages are enchanted and it seems to be blocking teleportation magic
  • Infaris "interrogates" each of them individually trying to come up with an escape plan but when Jimco's attempt to test teleport fails he calls all of them in to try and plan something else
  • Ungvar uses Infaris' amulet to teleport away, Jimco turns invisible and runs up the stairs, Infairs hastes herself to run out the building and Vapor uses his talisman to teleport out as well
  • We escape to a spa in the Temple District