2024-01-28 15:59:53 -06:00

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Release Notes

v0.2.4 - 10/17/2022



  • Due to changes in FoundryV10 making it easier to see indicators, removed the "fadeTileButton" from the Scene Gallery Config (in v10 version only)



  • Added tests to work with Quench




  • Added "auto-view" and "auto-activate" options in settings for "Art Journal" and "Art Scene"



  • Added support for v10 with backwards compatibility
  • v10 version REQUIRES right-click on sheet images instead of left-click, to avoid interfering with default JournalEntryPage functionality when clicking on an image

v.0.2.1 - 10/06/2022



  • Fixed bug with src not being fetched from video elements

v.0.2.0 - 10/05/2022



  • Improved image-share controls in actor, item, and journal sheets
    • Various Display methods can be accessed and activated by hovering over an image and clicking on one of these controls
    • the original "click on the image to display it on the canvas" functionality remains intact.



  • Scene Gallery Config
    • Configuration settings
  • Settings and Customization
    • settings application that can be launched from multiple locations and includes customization options
    • colored overlays shown on tiles on the canvas whenever you hover a connected UI item, to ensure you can easily find them. - overlay colors are customizable
    • Color customization of elements UI in JTCS Art Gallery apps, including a default light and dark theme.
  • Compendiums
    • Compendium pack of macros with featuring utilities to make moving and scaling tiles easier
    • Compendium pack of premade scenes displaying demo setups of Gallery tiles, including a scene meant to act as your default "Display Scene"
    • Compendium pack of Journal Entries including a scene meant to act as your default "Display Journal"


  • Tile Tool Controls added by the module, including controls/dialog to change Display Method and share URL image.
  • The above tools have been replaced by "Scene Gallery Config" App, which can be accessed from the same place.

v0.1.8 - v0.1.9 - 2022-01-16


  • Updated for Foundry version 9. Check in "releases" for the version still compatible with version 8.

v0.1.7 - 2021-08-26


  • Integrated features from pull requests, such as item images now being able to be clicked on and displayed. (Thanks, @DarKDinDoN !)
  • Added setting to hide or change how "Toggle Display Location" button in journal header displays.

v0.1.6 - 2021-06-09

Updated module to work with Foundry v8.6

v0.1.5 - 2021-05-23



  • NEW: Ability to right click on actor sheet character images to display them the same as journal images.

  • NEW: Ability to display Journal-to-Canvas-Slideshow tools within a dialog rather than as tile control tools.

See the settings for Use Actor Sheet Images and Hide Tile Buttons in the updated module settings below. "New Settings"

Default Tile Control Tools

The default tile control tools with the Hide Tile Buttons setting disabled.

A new button is there called "Switch Display Location" that will display a dialog that allows you to switch display locations without needing to go into the module's settings.

"Switch Display Location Button"

"Switch Display Location Dialog"

Note: Journal entries now have a button in the header that allows you to switch the display location as well.

Note: You can switch away from the tile control tools and then back again to "refresh" if you enable or disable the Hide Tile Buttons setting.

Tile Control Tools with Hide Tile Buttons Turned On

With the Hide Tile Buttons setting enabled, all Journal-to-Canvas-Slideshow buttons will not be displayed except for the "Clear Display" button, and a new button that says "Show Slideshow Config".

To show the other functions, click on the button in the tile control tools that says "Show Slideshow Config".

"Hide Tile Buttons Setting Turned On"

The following dialog will appear with buttons with all the functionality, such as creating Display and Bounding Tiles, Setting a URL image, and switching between display locations.

"Hide Tile Buttons Dialog"


  • Many features now work with VIEWED scene rather than ACTIVE scene, such as the bounding tiles.

v0.1.4 - 2021-03-19



  • NEW: Bounding Tiles implemented by @Occidio
  • NEW: Display Tiles that along with Bounding Tiles can be added to any scene.
  • NEW: Display images via copy-pasting URL feature implemented by @p4535992
  • NEW: Display in Window feature alternative implemented by @DarKDinDoN
  • NEW: Extra settings to accomodate the above new features -- please check the settings menu and reselect your prefered settings.



  • Special "Display Tiles" now created via button in Tile controls menu. Flagged by script, so no longer have to be very first tile in scene.
  • Warning: Please replace regular tile in pre-made Display Scenes with new Display Tile, else the script will not detect them.

v0.1.3 - 2021-01-22



  • NEW: Added option to display journal images in a window rather than display scene

  • NEW: Module settings

v0.1.2 - 2021-01-03


  • Fixed an incompatability issue with the Call of Cthulhu 7e (CoC7) system.

v0.1.1 - 2020-12-28



  • Added "Clear Display" button in Tiles scene control buttons. Will set 'slideshow' tile to a transparent image.


  • More visual effects when hovering over and clicking images in journal, for more user feedback
  • Changed cursor to pointer on hover of journal images


  • Clicking on image in journal no longer activates the 'Display' scene if a different scene is active. Plan to add functionality later to toggle this behavior.

(Red arrow pointing at new 'Clear Display' button') "Location of clear button"

"Showing off updates"


  • I next intend to add a way to more easily toggle between the various different settings (Display in Window vs Display in Scene, etc.) without needing to go all the way to the settings menu.

  • I may possibily implement a way to have multiple Display Tiles in a single scene, but I will need to think of the best way to implement this.

  • Clicking on image in journal no longer activates the 'Display' scene if a different scene is active. Plan to add functionality later to toggle this behavior.

(Red arrow pointing at new 'Clear Display' button') "Location of clear button"

"Showing off updates"