# Notes 09-05-21 [Adam Notes] - As the darkness closes in around the ship, Niefendel throws the "planeshift" lever - The ship makes a bunch of grinding noises and we all feel as though our guts drop like when you fall in a dream. The world around us goes grey. - We find ourselves in a dried river bed, its raining heavily. - Jenna is able to spot some mountains overhead, thus confirming that we are in Bytopia - Brumrick tries to ask some muskrats for directions but they are of little use and ask for salamanders. Brumrick hunts some down and obliges them - Neif is surprised to see Billy holding the advance core we extracted from the future version of Her Majesty - Neif leads the group below deck to review/examine some of the markings on the engine core - Neif explains the concept of time. Similar to a flowing river with branching flows. Each plane of existence have their own flows of the river. The river tries to correct any ripples in the flow of time. - Small changes can be made to the stream but the large events are steadfast - He says a radical change to the time stream could cause radical changes in reality or even an unraveling of time itself - Neif says that based on what we saw in the future, there was some cataclysmic event in the past. We need to go back in time and fixed that event. - Unfortunately our upgraded engine core is out of energy so we must find some new crystals somewhere in Bytopia - Tazlin resummons Temtation but she still appears old - We take a long rest with the plan to set forth in the morning. - During her watch Jenna hears some voices off in the distance and in the morning she notices some black smoke off in the distance