Added peter's laptop notes
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Grildes, from flat bear express, gives us a scroll as we return from the giants
The news is 1- A team members must return to the headquarters
2-Ulligial must return to his separate location to deal with the twins- who became triplets
A team returns to Valhavan
In the northern forest- Devorin is with a team at a portal
Billy had found it and tries to research it
Turns out mindflayers are in contact with someone on this plain and set up the portal
At crown alpha- the A team and Daveric meet up
We go into the Manticore meeting room, and Daveric says that Billy and his team of three more has gone missing in the portal while reconning it
Daveric begins to research the skyship's levers
Portal leads to the Underdark
Juan (one of the French assholes), Devorin, Verpp Squart, and Ariyola. Team in camp.
Devorin Damos back story - inadvertantly lead orcs to his home camp - they took his mom and sister? with them. He accepts any bounty to hunt down orcs. Racist against gnomes (thinks they were involved with the attack on his family).
The C-team begins to fight Grimlocks at the portal
Ariolya and Burpp are taken through the portal by Grimlocks while Devorin and Juan kill two of them
The A team begins to take stock of what to do and how to do it -- vote to walk through forest to portal instead of take airship (Brumwik likes the forest and Balric has PTSD from previous airship adventure (random lever pulling))
Brumwik bought arrows, Balric 4 potion of healing
All pay 500g for the airship and keep maintainance
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Davrin shakes out of his sword curse once Brumwik sleaths into the treetops.
A huge shadow flys over and Brumwik notices, thanks to his forest expertise and nature check, realizes that it is a green dragon.
It is Verdun, the Green Death.
Brumwik shots an arrow at the dragon as it flys over us.
A squirrel is next to Brumwik and its eyes glow green when it looks at him.
Rodents and birds within 1 (10 for our purposes) mile of the dragon’s lair serve as the dragon’s eyes and ears. Deer and other large game are strangely absent, hinting at the presence of an unnaturally hungry predator.
The dragon wheels around in the air and breaths poison on Brumwik.
We scatter and try to run away from it. The dragon follows Brumwik. He claws him uncontious.
The dragon then flys to Balric and Sebastin, and he claws both of them. He then flys off.
A mysterious tiger-like humanoid arrives and helps save Brumwik. He then offers to let us stay at his monestary for the night.
It is a lush garden-esque location that does not look like it belongs in the forest.
We move into the Faey-Wild, a different plane where plants are the focal point of magic here.
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Make it back to the Fey Wild sancuary.
Decide to make a giant crossbow-style ballista to fire at dragon.
Balric says some encouragement in Deep Speech for the workers.
It makes the ballista black and hot to the touch. Can fire 2x every other attack.
Training montage for Davoric, Davorin and Balric to be proficient.
Brumwik falls in love with a reverse mermaid in the mouth of "Adam"- the large fish.
-250 gold.
We plan to draw the dragon in to our spear pit trenches and then fire a ballista to cut its ability to fly
This Green dragon resists poison
Saving Throws DEX +5, CON +11, WIS +6, CHA +6
Sebastian kills Karl the Llama as bait. He then summons another one.
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
5-10-20 DND notes
New character: Ameria played by Ian Classe. Yay! Female High Half-Elf Sorcerer Lv. 11
Recap by each for Ian. Setting up character. She is invited by CoF to help expand/build guild and works for the city-closely with the ruling council of Valhavan. CoF's airship is causing problems in airspace and with buzzing too low to other cities.
A-Team boards Her Majesty, the airship, and wishes Tazlin good luck with the B-Team. We plane-shift to Mechanus? Mechanus, the neutral mechanical plain, inhabited by mechanical beings. Strange social rulings. Very strict.
Suddenly a half-elven woman emerges from the airship bellows. "I have been trying to reach you people for ages and I am always turned away. i figured the only time we could meet is by stowing away." - Ameria
She askes if there is a way to modify our engines to stop producing so many spacial disruptions above the city. Davoric says we hope to be able to help; he provides some manuals and books that could help us with modifications.
We shift into Mechanus. We see strange gear-shaped land masses (most are moving, both slowly and quickly), mechanical insect-types (Ant-taurs) burrowing into the ground. Large skyscraper-esque buildings rise from the ground. Humanoids move around in the bustle of a city, but their movement is strange. Very stiff, organized into lines and moving in formation despite separate destinations.
There are other flying objects in the sky. Diamond-shaped orange, cyan and mahogany-colored objects floating in the air. Creatures like flying robotic pegusus creatures and jet-footed humanoids.
Two of the pegusus-types begin to trail our ship out of curiousity.
Davoric asks Balric to come up and look for a place to land. He looks around for an airstrip and says land by the outskirts. Ameria, totally taken aback from arriving in this plane, cannot help look for a place to land.
We move slowly closer to the land. Ameria tries to yell out to some of the flying objects and creatures to ask where we can land. Ameria sees some Monodrones, Modrons are beings of absolute law that adhere to a hive-like hierarchy. They inhabit the plane of Mechanus and tend its eternally revolving gears, their existence a clockwork routine of perfect order. The ones we see are carrying shipments.
A Monodrone crashes into our ship and starts freaking out about losing track of his flight path. Balric casts comprehend languages to see what it is freaking out about.
A Duodrone (type of overseer bot for the Monodrones) lands and begins berating the Monodrone. Balricstein casts mage hand and knocks the package out of the monodrone's hands and off the ship.
A Tridrone appears and begins to berate the Duodrone. Devorin charms a duodrone and asks for the Tridrone to allow them to chat to Primus (the leader). They keep saying, "I don't know, I have never been asked that. I will have to run it up the chain." They keep turning to a higher officer and saying that.
While we wait two hours, Davoric offers Ameria to draw a card from a deck (it is actually the Deck of Many Things). Tommy and Devorin are interested in drawing.
Suddenly, we see a creature with the head of a cyclider with mutiple faces and a pair of wings fly down to our ship. He is flanked by mutiple drone creatures. Tommy walks forward and asks "Are you Primus?" It responds "No, I am your death."
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D&D notes 5-17-20
The decaton has landed in front of us. Davric asks "do you think that anything other than our death is acceptable." After a conversation amoung the drones, one flies off to find out. To answer, two monodrones stab out at him, hitting him but Davoric quickly punches the leader decatron.
Devorin mans a balista on the ship and yells out "you sure you're our death, fatty."
They ignore Tommy's vicious mockery.
Ameria fires two firebolts, with one missing and one killing a monodrone.
Balric disguises himself as a tridrone and tries to persuade them to stop by acting like he is giving orders. The drones and trons ignore him, looking angry.
Davric sends out a flurry of blows, killing a monodrone and a tridrone.
A monodrone rushes Balric and stabs him once.
Davorin jumps down off the ship and charges into battle. He uses his Sword of Vengeance and Shortsword dual-wielded to stab a pentadrone.
Just then, a monodrone shows up and talks to the Decatron. He confirms "yes, we are here to kill you."
Ameria uses magic missiles to hit seven different targets, slightly damaging them all.
Decaton heals a pentadrone
A doudrone twitches and shakes, morphing into a tridrone.
Balric kills one doudrone and his elrich blast hits a pentadrone down into the cogs, which it plummits to its death below.
Suddenly, four drones burst from the wall near Tommy and a monodrone. THe wall crushes Tommy and the robot, and they yell out "come with us if you want to live." Tommy's head flies thru the air and lands at Balric's feet, shocking the CoF members.
The four punk-rock looking drones are Crescendo, Tuple, Isosceles, and R3F@CT0R.
Davric moves over to them and says "welcome to the resistance, brother. We will win this."
The Decaton charges after Davric and hits R3F@CT0R.
As we escape, Balric grabs Tommy's journal that I see on the ground as a keepsake.
A masked man is seen appearing suddenly to collect Tommy's skull. He then disappears.
We are led through a series of tunnels and emerge to a small skiff (like Jabba's smaller ships). We head full-speed ahead to one of the barren, deserted cogs that we saw on entry into the plane.
We emerge into a small hidden alcove that is their hideout.
Possible outcome: Out walks Two-Hand Tommy in the hideout, who is half-robot now.
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5-24-20 D&D notes
The hideout has a large clock face, a pendulum in the middle of it. Scrolls and weapons on the wall. string connecting dots to stories and photos on one wall.
We talk to Tobi, who had taken Tommy. He says he was originally arrested and that he convinced these robots -- former guards -- to come with him.
Isocoles says that Primus' orders have been off lately. they suspect that he is in error or replaced and have been fighting for months. They want to get in to see him and confirm that he is real. Tobi has joined them only recently. Resistance consists of about five members.
If we can convince a higher-up drone to our side, he can put all lower members below him into our rebel group.
Devorin says that he wants a robot friend to travel with him. Tobi agrees for three of Devorin's brains. Ameria remains unconvinced about Tobi's motives.
Tobi asks if they will join the rebellion. Davoric askes what is the end goal of this rebellion? Iscolies says that they want order to return to this plane. Tobi chimes in to say that he just wants them to furfill their dreams. Davoric suspects that there is a hidden motive behind his want to complete checking on Primus.
Balricstein asks if he knows Salvamo. He feins to misunderstand and say no that is not my name.
Every day a noon a train full of monodrone manufactured parts are delivered from the city of Citidel to Regulus. We want to jump this train and sneakily gain access to the tower in the city. The triangles say this.
Primus's chambers are at the top of the main tower in the city of Regulus.
They have tried to board the plane several times before but have always been spotted. Zelekhuts are the pegusus-like creatures.
We take a long rest and attempt the train the next day. We grab on to Tobi as we approach the train. A black mist envelopes us and then suddenly we are 5ft above the train.
We are now on the train, which is heading into a tunnel. It is a tight fit, so we go prone -- even Davoric has to kneel.
We send isocilies down into a car to scout it out. He turns and sends another drone into it. Cresendo and a clock-like drone are arguing in common about how he is not supposed to be on this delivery and the orders are absolute.
Devorin sneaks to the other side of the train car and stealthily opens the door to check the situation. He spots the drone talking and moves into the car.
Along the walls are cyclndars of glass with a small walkway in-between them. "You are not 36 steel beams, you are not 47 copper wire spools, you are not..." the drone continues to list items while going through a checklist.
"How dare you, you have interrupted this delivery from the Citedel. You shall now be arrested."
He swings and misses at Devorin. He hits Cresendo with a THunder Fist, who flies out of the train and falls off of it. He is presumed dead. We are all then alerted on the top of the train that there is a skirmish below.
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5-31-20 DND notes
We are on the train. Devorin slashes at the creature and then retreats back to yell out the doors in theives' cant gibberish mixed with "Attack."
Tuple jumps down onto a cannon and stabs into the car with his javelin. He punches him with thunder fist and badly damages him.
Devorin notices little beetle-like drones emerge from the creature and begin to move to his wounds.
Davric gets into the car and throws two darts into the back of the large drone.
Isoscolies tries to jump down between the cars and almost lands on Devorin, who grabs him and sets him safely on the ground.
R3F@CT0R tries the same manuveur as Tuple, successfully stabbing the enemy drone.
Ameria slips into the back of the train and firebolts the creature. Balric runs long the car, jumps to the next one and then fires a few blasts at it, pushing it back towards Davric.
Tuple tries to jump to another cannon for a better angle, but slips and falls to his presumed doom.
The monster tries to us Geas on Devorin to charm him. Ameria counterspells the attack.
Davric unarmed strikes at the monster, stunning it. He then strikes twice more. His Flurry of Blows means that he cannot make a reaction. Davric then runs bwtn his legs to the other side of him.
Isocolies pulls himself up off the ground. He sprints into the carriage and tries to javelin the monster. He hits three times, but only strikes armor.
R3F@CT0R flies up to the front of the car and readies himself for action.
Ameria tries to fire another firebolt, but it hits his armor. She uses a sorcery point to try again and once again hits armor.
Balricstein tries to spy ahead but fails to see anything in the car ahead due to the dark tunnel and hanging upside-down to look. He then tells R3F@CT0R to keep his sensors on high to make sure nothing sneaks up on us.
Devorin continues to slash at the monster. It, in turn, attempts to barrel through Davric and Isocolies. He succeeds in pushing through them and reaches the forward door of the car near R3F@CT0R. He seems to be trying to pull the pin that holds the cars together.
Davric, who took 10 damage from the charge, moves to the carriage connection section and tries to push the monster away. The little guy does not budge him.
Isocolies stands up and jaelin strikes the monster twice in three attempts.
R3F@CT0R disengages out of fright and runs into the next car.
Ameria moves up towards the door to not be stuck in the potentially drifting railcar. She sees the creature fiddling with the bolt on the floor and uses presidigitation. She makes a copy of the bolt for the car and tries to distract the creature by saying "I have the real bolt here." It is confused from her persuasion.
Balric blasts the creature off of the train from in-between the cars. As he crashes past the car, Devorin tries to take a shit on him (he is a horse and goes frequently and freely). He rolls a Nat 20 to shit on him.
Devorin investigates the car ahead and finds it empty besides supplies. He finds
9000 gold
1800 plat
glass eye
small carpet
silver mirror
carved wooden staff
gold comb
spell scroll of banish
potion of clariv
Potion of frost strength
Tobi spots Devorin finding the treasure. He calls out to him and reminds him that the robots fought and are funding a rebellion.
3/8 robots
5/8 for CoF
Devorin asks why this all is here. THe robots respond that treasure is melted down to its base parts to be used as materials.
The Great March is an expedition where they take notes on all living items and take samples. These are reminants of the march to absorb all knowledge.
We agree to remain hidden on the train for the duration of the trip.
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
9-5-21 notes Dnd
A storm is moving in around us.
Nief and Billy jump to the steering and try to throw a lever forward to move or shift.
The other ship disappears into blackness as we attempt to plane shift.
We get the sensation of dropping 30 ft suddenly, like lurching while falling asleep.
We find ourselves in a dried creekbed near us, with rain falling around us.
We moved through the etherial (sp) plane?
The airship is drydocked; we did not put down the kickstand or anything.
We are in an unknown location.
Tazlin climbs to the crow's nest and takes a look, but does not perceive anything of note other than us in the wilderness.
The ship's levers, which are usually all lit up and ready to go, are all now black. Only Bytopia's lever is lit up.
Billy tries to look around for any animals or humanoids, but also perceives very little.
Brumwik speaks with the local animals - beavers? muskcrats?
He learns that hunters come from a certain direction.
Jenna then tries to perceive where we are, spotting mountains floating overhead implying Bytopia.
Nief examines the part that Tazlin and Billy took from the other timeline airship.
He didn't know they exist, and only heard talk of them from his college days.
Nief begins to explain time travel to the group in general, who head below deck with him. He says it is like a river, and we are possibly in the future.
Nief and Davric stay behind to try and fix the ship. Tommy has suffered a Y2K error during the move forward in time.
The rest of the party take a long rest. They split duties for watch, but nothing conclusive comes up.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Ungvar- as a young man, you used to help out at the Orc tribe's forge before you were banished from the group, right?
So, you know your way around metalworking -- horseshoes, hammers, axes.
Do you want to check this new guy out about his external tinkering ways?
Infaris talking with the slaver again. Re-give weapon.
Shuja- rob her. Check character sheet for bag contents. Also, can she raise dead/ strong heal? Kill Infaris with thunderstep? 4d10 total damage.
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
DND 12-27-20 notes
A freak spell accident is keeping Neif from joining us 15/100
A heavy fog is rolling in and the sea is rough.
Disfigured says there is a bad storm rolling in.
THey signal to the other ship that storms are coming.
Tommy casts his tiny hut spell to keep some crew safe, while Ameria uses sleep to keep those off shift asleep.
Blaze and tommy notice little green boxes floating in the water around the two ships.
Maybe man-made but not cargo sized.
It's One-eyed cringle says Scurvey.
He sends out a signal to awaken the ship.
Suddenly, the ship is rocked by an explosion.
Ameria sends up a flare, but Blaze notices the noise from the other ship that is several hundred feet away.
Blaze navegates the ship 100 feet closer to the other, not realizing the green boxes are mines.
Tommy starts to use Mending to repair the ship. Ameria, who checked on the bottom deck, tells Davric what is happening.
Davric tells Jarmin to take the wheel.
An explosion rocks the other ship as well with Blaze. He tells the crew to man the pumps and try to patch what they can.
A ship with red and green are spotted by Scurvey.
Blaze sees ghostly vistages on the enemy ship.
Blaze's ship preps the 12 cannons on the one side.
9 loaded
Her Magisty moves close to the enemy ship. Ameria casts disitegrate on the ship's hull, damaging it.
Reference in New Issue
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