589 lines
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589 lines
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import { log, MODULE_ID } from "../debug-mode.js";
import { artGalleryDefaultSettings } from "../settings.js";
export class HelperFunctions {
static MODULE_ID = "journal-to-canvas-slideshow";
* pass in a string and capitalize each word in the string
* @param {String} string - the string whose words we want to capitalize
* @param {String} delimiter - a delimiter separating each word
* @returns A string with each word capitalized and the same delimiters
static capitalizeEachWord(string, delimiter = " ") {
let sentenceArray;
let capitalizedString;
if (!delimiter) {
// if the delimiter is an empty string, split it by capital letters, as if camelCase
sentenceArray = string.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).map((s) => s.toLowerCase());
capitalizedString = sentenceArray
.map((s) => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1))
.join(" ");
} else {
sentenceArray = string.split(delimiter);
capitalizedString = sentenceArray
.map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1))
return capitalizedString;
static async resetArtGallerySettings() {
await HelperFunctions.setSettingValue("artGallerySettings", {}, "", false);
await HelperFunctions.setSettingValue(
// await game.settings.set(MODULE_ID, "artGallerySettings", newSettings);
static async swapTools(layerName = "background", tool = "select") {
if (game.version >= 10) {
if ((layerName = "background")) layerName = "tiles";
ui.controls.controls.find((c) => c.layer === layerName).activeTool = tool;
let ourLayer = game.canvas.layers.find((l) => l.options.name === layerName);
if (ourLayer) {
if (ourLayer && !ourLayer.active) {
} else {
} else {
console.error("Can't find that layer", ourLayer);
* Scale a tile's size, or one dimension (length or width) of a tile
* @param {Number} scale - the ratio to scale the tile by
* @param {String} axis - the tile's width or the tile's height or both
static async scaleControlledTiles(scale = 0.5, axis = " ") {
const ourScene = game.scenes.viewed;
const layerName = game.version >= 10 ? "tiles" : "background";
const sceneTiles = canvas[layerName].controlled.filter(
(obj) => obj.document.documentName === "Tile"
let updateObjects = [];
sceneTiles.forEach((tile) => {
let tileWidth = game.version >= 10 ? tile.width : tile.data.width;
let tileHeight = game.version >= 10 ? tile.height : tile.data.height;
let width = duplicate(tileWidth);
let height = duplicate(tileHeight);
height *= scale;
width *= scale;
_id: tile.id,
...(axis === " " && { height: height, width: width }),
...(axis === "height" && { height: height }),
...(axis === "width" && { width: width }),
ourScene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Tile", updateObjects);
// Move tiles
// originally By @cole$9640
//slightly edited by @Eva into a modular method
static async moveControlledTiles(amount = 10, axis = "x") {
const ourScene = game.scenes.viewed;
let tiles;
if (game.version >= 10) {
tiles = canvas.tiles.controlled;
} else {
tiles =
canvas.background.controlled.length === 0
? canvas.foreground.controlled
: canvas.background.controlled;
if (tiles.length) {
const updates = tiles
.filter((tile) => {
if (game.version >= 10) return !tile.locked;
else return !tile.data.locked;
.map((tile) => ({
_id: tile.id,
[axis]: tile[axis] + amount,
ourScene.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Tile", updates);
} else {
ui.notifications.notify("Please select at least one tile.");
static async setFlagValue(document, flagName, updateData, nestedKey = "") {
await document.setFlag(MODULE_ID, flagName, updateData);
* Get the value of a document's flag
* @param {Object} document - the document whose flags we want to set (Scene, Actor, Item, etc)
* @param {String} flagName - the name of the flag
* @param {String} nestedKey - a string of nested properties separated by dot notation that we want to set
* @param {*} returnIfEmpty - a value to return if the flag is undefined
* @returns
static async getFlagValue(document, flagName, nestedKey = "", returnIfEmpty = []) {
let flagData = await document.getFlag(MODULE_ID, flagName);
if (!flagData) {
flagData = returnIfEmpty;
return flagData;
* Sets a value, using the "flattenObject" and "expandObject" utilities to reach a nested property
* @param {String} settingName - the name of the setting
* @param {*} updateData - the value you want to set a property to
* @param {String} nestedKey - a string of dot-separated values to refer to a nested property
static async setSettingValue(
nestedKey = "",
isFormData = false
) {
if (isFormData) {
let currentSettingData = game.settings.get(
updateData = expandObject(updateData); //get expanded object version of formdata keys, which were strings in dot notation previously
updateData = mergeObject(currentSettingData, updateData);
// let updated = await game.settings.set(HelperFunctions.MODULE_ID, settingName, currentSettingData);
// console.warn(updated);
if (nestedKey) {
let settingData = game.settings.get(HelperFunctions.MODULE_ID, settingName);
setProperty(settingData, nestedKey, updateData);
await game.settings.set(HelperFunctions.MODULE_ID, settingName, settingData);
} else {
await game.settings.set(HelperFunctions.MODULE_ID, settingName, updateData);
/* --------------------------------- Colors --------------------------------- */
* Get the contrasting color for any hex color
* (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi, MIT License, https://gomakethings.com
* Derived from work by Brian Suda, https://24ways.org/2010/calculating-color-contrast/
* @param {String} A hexcolor value
* @return {String} The contrasting color (black or white)
static getContrast(hexcolor) {
// If a leading # is provided, remove it
if (hexcolor.slice(0, 1) === "#") {
hexcolor = hexcolor.slice(1);
// If a three-character hexcode, make six-character
if (hexcolor.length === 3) {
hexcolor = hexcolor
.map(function (hex) {
return hex + hex;
// Convert to RGB value
var r = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(0, 2), 16);
var g = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(2, 2), 16);
var b = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(4, 2), 16);
// Get YIQ ratio
var yiq = (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000;
// Check contrast
//@author: slightly modified this
return yiq; // >= 128 ? "black" : "white";
// return yiq >= 128 ? "black" : "white";
* Will return 1 if color is darker than gray, -1 if color is lighter than gray
* @param {String} hexColor - string hex color
* @returns {Number} -1 or +1
static lighterOrDarker(hexColor) {
const HF = HelperFunctions;
let yiq = HF.getContrast(hexColor);
//the 128 is like a value between 0 and 255, so gray
//checking to see if the contrast value is greater than gray (black) or less than gray (white)
return yiq >= 128 ? -1 : 1;
* @param {String} backgroundColor - our background color
* @param {String} accentColor - the color we're adjusting to find a tint with better contrast
* @returns a color lightened to have the right contrast
static getColorWithContrast(backgroundColor, accentColor) {
const HF = HelperFunctions;
backgroundColor = HF.hex8To6(backgroundColor);
accentColor = HF.hex8To6(accentColor);
const contrastValue = HF.getContrastBetween(backgroundColor, accentColor);
const direction = contrastValue > 0 ? 1 : -1;
// const text = contrastValue < 0 ? "We should darken color" : "we should lighten color";
let adjustedColor = HF.hex8To6(accentColor);
for (
let adjustAmount = 0, times = 0;
times < 15;
adjustAmount += direction * 10, times += 1
) {
adjustedColor = HF.LightenDarkenColor(accentColor, adjustAmount);
const hasEnoughContrast = HF.checkIfColorsContrastEnough(
if (hasEnoughContrast) {
return adjustedColor;
static getContrastBetween(backgroundColor, accentColor) {
const HF = HelperFunctions;
let contrast1 = HF.getContrast(backgroundColor);
let contrast2 = HF.getContrast(accentColor);
//the 128 is like a value between 0 and 255, so gray.
//if luminance? is grater than 128, it's between gray and white, so return a dark color
//if luminance? is less than 128, it's between black and gray, so return a light color
let contrastBetween = contrast2 - contrast1;
return contrastBetween;
static checkIfColorsContrastEnough(hexColor1, hexColor2) {
const HF = HelperFunctions;
let contrast1 = HF.getContrast(hexColor1);
let contrast2 = HF.getContrast(hexColor2);
//the 128 is like a value between 0 and 255, so gray.
//if luminance? is grater than 128, it's between gray and white, so return a dark color
//if luminance? is less than 128, it's between black and gray, so return a light color
let contrastBetween = Math.abs(contrast2 - contrast1);
return contrastBetween >= 128 ? true : false;
* Programmatically lighten or darken a color
* @author "Pimp Trizkit" on Stackoverflow
* @link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5560248/programmatically-lighten-or-darken-a-hex-color-or-rgb-and-blend-colors
* @returns a lightened or darkened color
static LightenDarkenColor(col, amt) {
var usePound = false;
if (col[0] == "#") {
col = col.slice(1);
usePound = true;
var num = parseInt(col, 16);
var r = (num >> 16) + amt;
if (r > 255) r = 255;
else if (r < 0) r = 0;
var b = ((num >> 8) & 0x00ff) + amt;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
else if (b < 0) b = 0;
var g = (num & 0x0000ff) + amt;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
else if (g < 0) g = 0;
var string = "000000" + (g | (b << 8) | (r << 16)).toString(16);
return (usePound ? "#" : "") + string.substring(string.length - 6);
// return (usePound ? "#" : "") + (g | (b << 8) | (r << 16)).toString(16);
* set the custom colors for the indicators and color scheme in the JTCS Apps
* @param {String} settingPropertyString - the string name of the property in the settings
static async getColorDataFromSettings(settingPropertyString) {
const HF = HelperFunctions;
let colorData = await HelperFunctions.getSettingValue(
let { colors, propertyNames, colorVariations } = colorData;
Object.keys(colors).forEach((colorKey) => {
const value = HF.hex8To6(colors[colorKey]);
const propertyName = propertyNames[colorKey];
let shouldMakeVariants = false;
if (colorVariations) {
shouldMakeVariants = colorVariations[colorKey];
HF.setRootStyleProperty(propertyName, value, shouldMakeVariants);
// add these extra bits on for now
if (settingPropertyString === "colorSchemeData") {
let { accentColor, backgroundColor } = colors;
// accentColor = accentColor;//HF.getColorWithContrast(backgroundColor, accentColor);
backgroundColor = HF.hex8To6(backgroundColor);
const colorNeutral =
HF.getContrast(backgroundColor) >= 128 ? "black" : "white";
const textColor = HF.getContrast(accentColor) >= 128 ? "black" : "white";
HF.setRootStyleProperty("--JTCS-text-color-on-bg", colorNeutral); //for text on the background color
HF.setRootStyleProperty("--JTCS-text-color-on-fill", textColor); //for text on buttons and filled labels
HF.setRootStyleProperty("--JTCS-accent-color", accentColor); //HF.getColorWithContrast(backgroundColor, accentColor));
* set the custom colors for the indicators and color scheme in the JTCS Apps
static async setUIColors() {
await this.getColorDataFromSettings("indicatorColorData");
await this.getColorDataFromSettings("colorSchemeData");
* Set properties of custom colors on root element for use in our CSS
* @param {String} propertyName - the name of the CSS custom property we want to set on the root element
* @param {String} value - a value representing a hex code color
* @param {*} makeVariations - whether we should generate light and dark variants on this color for better contrast
static setRootStyleProperty(propertyName, value, makeVariations = false) {
const html = document.documentElement;
const HF = HelperFunctions;
value = HF.hex8To6(value);
html.style.setProperty(propertyName, value);
if (makeVariations) {
const direction = HF.lighterOrDarker(value);
const shouldDarken = direction < 0 ? true : false;
const text =
direction < 0 ? "We should darken color" : "we should lighten color";
let startNumber = !shouldDarken ? 80 : 0;
let step = !shouldDarken ? -10 : 10;
for (var number = startNumber; Math.abs(number) < 90; number += step) {
const variantPropName = `${propertyName}-${number
.padStart(2, "0")}`;
// const amount = number;
const amount = shouldDarken ? number * -1 : number;
const variantValue = HF.LightenDarkenColor(value, amount);
html.style.setProperty(variantPropName, variantValue);
if (propertyName.includes("background-color")) {
const htmlStyle = getComputedStyle(html);
let inputBG = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--JTCS-background-color");
let elevationBG = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--JTCS-background-color");
let borderColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue(
let shadowColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue(
let dangerColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-danger-base");
let warningColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-warning-base");
let infoColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-info-base");
let successColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-success-base");
let tileItemColor = "transparent";
if (!shouldDarken) {
inputBG = getComputedStyle(html).getPropertyValue(
borderColor = "transparent"; //getComputedStyle(html).getPropertyValue("--JTCS-background-color");
shadowColor = "transparent";
elevationBG = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue(
dangerColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-danger-light");
dangerColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-danger-light");
infoColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-info-light");
successColor = htmlStyle.getPropertyValue("--color-success-light");
tileItemColor = elevationBG;
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-box-shadow-color", shadowColor);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-input-background-color", inputBG);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-border-color", borderColor);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-elevation-BG-color", elevationBG);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-danger-color", dangerColor);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-warning-color", warningColor);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-info-color", dangerColor);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-success-color", warningColor);
html.style.setProperty("--JTCS-tile-item-bg-color", tileItemColor);
* Checks if color is in hex8 format, and if so slices string to make it hex6
* @param {String} hexColor - a hex color code with "#" up front
* @returns {String}
static hex8To6(hexColor) {
let hexColorMod = hexColor;
if (hexColor.slice(1).length > 6) {
hexColorMod = hexColor.slice(0, -2);
return hexColorMod;
static async getSettingValue(settingName, nestedKey = "") {
let settingData = await game.settings.get(HelperFunctions.MODULE_ID, settingName);
if (settingData !== undefined && settingData !== null) {
if (nestedKey) {
let nestedSettingData = foundry.utils.getProperty(settingData, nestedKey);
return nestedSettingData;
return settingData;
} else {
console.error("Cannot find setting with name " + settingName);
static async checkSettingEquals(settingName, compareToValue) {
if (game.settings.get(HelperFunctions.MODULE_ID, settingName) == compareToValue) {
return true;
return false;
static async showWelcomeMessage() {
let options = {};
let d = new Dialog({
title: "Welcome Message",
content: `<div><p>
<h2>Journal To Canvas Slideshow Has Updated</h2>
<p>Journal to Canvas Slideshow is now known as "JTCS - Art Gallery"</p>
<p>The module has received a huge overhaul, updates and improvements to preexisting features, and the addition of brand new features.
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13098820/193938899-f5920be7-6148-4ac7-9738-8a5ee7d420e9.mp4"
Feature demo</video>
<ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
<a href="https://github.com/EvanesceExotica/Journal-To-Canvas-Slideshow/blob/master/features-and-walkthrough.md">
View a detailed guide and walkthrough of the new features here
<li><a href="https://github.com/EvanesceExotica/Journal-To-Canvas-Slideshow/blob/master/README.md">ReadMe and Feature List</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/EvanesceExotica/Journal-To-Canvas-Slideshow/blob/master/release-notes.md">Release Notes</a></li>
<p>Note: This welcome message can be turned on and off in the module settings, but will be enabled after updates to inform you of important changes.</p>
</div> `,
buttons: {
disable: {
label: "Disable Welcome Message",
callback: async () => await HelperFunctions.disableWelcomeMessage(),
continue: {
label: "Continue without Disabling",
static async disableWelcomeMessage() {
//disable the welcome message
await HelperFunctions.setSettingValue("showWelcomeMessage", false);
static isImage(url) {
return /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|webp|avif|gif|svg)$/.test(url);
* Validating text input
* @param {String} inputValue - the input value
* @param {string} validationType - the type of input, what are we looking for, an image, video, etc.
* @param {function} onInvalid - callback function for if our input is invalid
* @returns true or false depending on if our input is valid or not
static validateInput(inputValue, validationType, onInvalid = "") {
let valid = false;
switch (validationType) {
case "image":
valid = HelperFunctions.isImage(inputValue);
valid = inputValue !== undefined;
return valid;
static getElementPositionAndDimension(element) {
return {};
static isOutsideClick(event) {
if ($(event.target).closest(".popover").length) {
//click was on the popover
return false;
//if our click is outside of our popover element
return true;
* Create a dialog
* @param {String} title - the title of the dialog
* @param {String} templatePath - the path to the template being used for this dialog
* @param {Object} data - the data object
* @param {Object} data.buttons - the buttons at the bottom of the prompt
static async createDialog(title, templatePath, data) {
const options = {
width: 600,
// height: 250,
id: "JTCS-custom-dialog",
let renderedHTML = await renderTemplate(templatePath, data);
let d = new Dialog(
title: title,
content: renderedHTML,
buttons: data.buttons,
static async createEventActionObject(
shouldRenderAppOnAction = false
) {
return {
name: name,
callback: callback,
shouldRenderAppOnAction: shouldRenderAppOnAction,
static editorsActive(sheet) {
let hasActiveEditors = Object.values(sheet.editors).some(
(editor) => editor.active
return hasActiveEditors;