import { SlideshowConfig } from "../SlideshowConfig.js"; import { HelperFunctions } from "./HelperFunctions.js"; import { ArtTileManager } from "./ArtTileManager.js"; import { ImageDisplayManager } from "./ImageDisplayManager.js"; import { JTCSSettingsApplication } from "./JTCSSettingsApplication.js"; import { TestUtils } from "../tests/test-utils.js"; import { sheetImageDisplayTest } from "./SheetImage.test.js"; const slideshowConfigTest = async (context) => { const { describe, it, assert, expect, should } = context; const { dispatchChange, dispatchMouseDown, getTileObject, getDocData, resizeTile, changeTileImage, getArtGallerySettings, getDocIdFromApp, getAppFromWindow, getAreasOfDocs, deleteTestScene, duplicateTestScene, initializeScene, returnClassListAsArray, returnComputedStyles, checkAppElementForId, getDefaultImageSrc, } = TestUtils; describe("Slideshow Config Test Suite", async function () { let configApp, configElement, scene, defaultImageSrc; async function clickGlobalButton(actionName) { configElement[0] .querySelector( `[data-action='${actionName}']` ) .click(); await quench.utils.pause(900); } /** * @description - renders the Scene Config */ async function renderConfig() { configApp = new SlideshowConfig(); await configApp._render(true); configElement = configApp.element; } async function getTestData() { defaultImageSrc = await getArtGallerySettings( "defaultTileImages.paths.artTilePath" ); } before(async () => { let sourceScene = await initializeScene(); scene = await duplicateTestScene(sourceScene); await getTestData(); await renderConfig(); }); after(async () => { await deleteTestScene(scene); }); describe("Testing Linked Gallery Tile Item Actions in overflow menu", async function () { let tileID, tileData, tileDoc, tileItemPrefixString, ourTileElement, tileElements, overflowMenu, ourButton, originalTileID; before(async () => { await getTileData(); originalTileID = tileID; //store the very first tile }); beforeEach(async () => { await doBeforeEach(); }); let doBeforeEach = async () => { await toggleOverflowMenu(); await changeTileImage(tileID, defaultImageSrc); await getTileData(); }; async function getTileData() { tileID = await ArtTileManager.getDefaultArtTileID(scene); tileData = await ArtTileManager.getGalleryTileDataFromID(tileID); tileDoc = await getTileObject(tileID); tileItemPrefixString = "[data-action='"; tileElements = $(configElement).find( `.tile-list-item:not([data-is-default])` ); ourTileElement = $(configElement).find( `.tile-list-item[data-is-default]` )[0]; } // get tile Item id async function clickActionButton(actionName, element = overflowMenu) { const actionQueryString = combine(actionName); await clickButton(element, actionQueryString); } async function clickButton(element, selector) { ourButton = element.querySelector(selector);; await quench.utils.pause(900); } // async function getFameTileData() { // let frameTileID = tileData.linkedBoundingTile; // let frameTileData = await ArtTileManager.getGalleryTileDataFromID( // frameTileID // ); // return frameTileData; // } function combine(actionName) { let string = `${tileItemPrefixString}${actionName}']`; return string; } async function toggleOverflowMenu() { await clickActionButton("toggleOverflowMenu", ourTileElement); //get the popover, which will be a child of the parent app's element overflowMenu = configElement[0].querySelector(".popover"); return overflowMenu; } it("renders the overflow menu when the 'toggle overflow menu'", async function () { assert.notEqual( ourTileElement, undefined, "Our tile element should be defined" ); assert.notEqual( overflowMenu, undefined, "Our overflow menu element should be defined" ); }); it("selects the tile when the 'Select Tile' action is clicked", async function () { await clickActionButton("selectTile"); const layerName = game.version >= 10 ? "tiles" : "background"; const selectedTileID = canvas[layerName].controlled[0].id; expect(selectedTileID).to.equal(tileID); }); it("renders the Tile's configuration app when the 'render tile config' action is clicked", async () => { await clickActionButton("renderTileConfig"); const app = getAppFromWindow(TileConfig); let id = getDocIdFromApp(app); expect(id).to.equal(tileID); await app.close(); }); it("Updates the tile's dimensions to be within that of its frame tile's dimensions when the 'Fit Tile to Frame' button is clicked", async () => { //resize the tile to be bigger than scene await resizeTile(tileDoc, scene); //get the frame data, whether frame tile or scene let { linkedBoundingTile } = tileData; let frameDoc; if (linkedBoundingTile) { frameDoc = await getTileObject(linkedBoundingTile); } else { frameDoc = game.scenes.viewed; } //get the area of the frame, and that of the art tile while resized (which should be bigger) const { frameArea, artArea: oldArtArea } = await getAreasOfDocs( frameDoc, tileDoc ); expect(oldArtArea); // press the Fit Tile to Frame Button await clickActionButton("fitTileToFrame"); // get the new area of the art tile const { artArea: newArtArea } = await getAreasOfDocs(frameDoc, tileDoc); //ensure the art tile area is smaller than the frame's area now expect(newArtArea); }); it("resets the Tile Image back to default when Clear Tile Image button is clicked", async () => { if (!defaultImageSrc) { defaultImageSrc = await getDefaultImageSrc("art"); } assert.isDefined(defaultImageSrc, "default image source is defined"); //change the current tile's image (without url, will default to another image) await changeTileImage(tileID); // get tile's current image let textureProperty = game.version >= 10 ? "texture.src" : "img"; const oldImgSrc = await getDocData(tileDoc, textureProperty); assert.isDefined(oldImgSrc, "Image source is defined"); //check to see if it changed expect( oldImgSrc, "Tile's old texture src should NOT equal default image path" ).to.not.equal(defaultImageSrc); // * & click Clear Tile Image Button await clickActionButton("clearTileImage"); const newImgSrc = await getDocData(tileDoc, textureProperty); // - test Tile Image now matches 'default' image saved expect( newImgSrc, "Tile's texture src should equal default image path" ).to.equal(defaultImageSrc); }); /** * simulates clicking the "deleteTileData" action button on a tile item * @returns returns the dialog rendered after the click */ async function clickDeleteTileDataButton() { //click "Delete Gallery Tile Data" Button and wait for prompt await clickActionButton("deleteTileData", overflowMenu); // - ~ Prompt is created, asking if user wants to delete data let app = getAppFromWindow(Dialog); let dialogElement = app.element; //get the dialog element from return { app, dialogElement }; } it("renders a Delete Data confirmation prompt", async () => { //click "Delete Gallery Tile Data" Button let { dialogElement, app } = await clickDeleteTileDataButton(); assert.isDefined(dialogElement, "Delete dialog is defined"); expect(app.element.text()).to.include("Delete"); await app.close(); }); it("deletes the tile data on 'Delete'", async () => { // ! - & On approve, dialog closes, tile data is deleted let { dialogElement } = await clickDeleteTileDataButton(); await clickButton(dialogElement[0], ".dialog-button.delete"); // - ~ Scene Config App updates let sceneTiles = await ArtTileManager.getSceneSlideshowTiles("art", true); let ourOriginalTile = sceneTiles.find((tile) => === tileID); expect(ourOriginalTile).to.not.exist; await getTileData(); }); it("closes the dialog button on cancel", async () => { // ? - & On cancel, dialog closes, nothing happens let { dialogElement } = await clickDeleteTileDataButton(); await clickButton(dialogElement[0], ".dialog-button.cancel"); //app should be undefined now after cancel is clicked let app = getAppFromWindow(Dialog, "Delete URL"); assert.isUndefined(app); }); async function renderURLSharePopover() { await clickActionButton("shareURLOnTile", ourTileElement); let popoverId = "input-with-error"; let urlShareElement = configElement[0].querySelector( `.popover[data-popover-id='${popoverId}']` ); let inputBox = urlShareElement.querySelector("input"); return { urlShareElement, inputBox }; } it("renders the SHARE URL IMAGE popover box", async () => { doBeforeEach = async () => { await getTileData(); }; // Click on "Share URL Image" button let { urlShareElement, inputBox } = await renderURLSharePopover(); assert.exists(urlShareElement, "the popover should exist"); assert.exists(inputBox, "the input box should exist"); }); it("on change, notifies the user when an invalid url is provided", async () => { let { inputBox } = await renderURLSharePopover(); inputBox.value = "test"; dispatchChange(inputBox); quench.utils.pause(100); let notification =[0][0]; assert.exists(notification, "The notification exists"); let includesErrorClass = notification.classList.contains("error"); assert.isTrue(includesErrorClass, "This is an error notification"); }); it("on change, if url is valid and not CORS, sets the tile image to equal the url", async () => { let { inputBox } = await renderURLSharePopover(); let textureProperty = game.version >= 10 ? "texture.src" : "img"; let oldImg = await getDocData(tileDoc, textureProperty); //enter placeholder png inputBox.value = ""; dispatchChange(inputBox); await quench.utils.pause(900); await getTileData(); //reseting the tile data again let newImg = await getDocData(tileDoc, textureProperty); expect(newImg, "New Tile Image shouldn't Equal old img").to.not.equal( oldImg ); }); it("sets the tile to be the default tile", async () => { // Ctrl + Click (Set Default Action) let otherTileElement = Array.from(tileElements).filter( (tileEl) => tileEl.dataset.type === "art" )[0]; assert.exists(otherTileElement, "A secondary tile element exists"); let oldDefaultID = tileID; dispatchMouseDown(otherTileElement); //dispatching an event witfh ctrl pressed? await quench.utils.pause(900); // - ~ Tile is set as default tile in current scene let newDefaultId = await ArtTileManager.getDefaultArtTileID(scene); expect(newDefaultId).to.not.equal(oldDefaultID); //TODO - test border colors and indicator colors // - $ Tile Item now has color change to match. // - $ Tile Indicator Color changes to match default color as set in settings }); }); describe("Slideshow config global actions", async () => { before(async () => { await renderConfig(); }); it("renders the JTCS Art Gallery settings Application", async () => { await clickGlobalButton("showModuleSettings"); let app = getAppFromWindow(JTCSSettingsApplication); assert.exists(app, "The app has been rendered"); await app.close(); }); it("renders the URL Share Dialog", async () => { await clickGlobalButton("showURLShareDialog"); let app = getAppFromWindow(Dialog); assert.exists(app, "The app has been rendered"); expect(app.element.text()).to.include("Share URL"); await app.close(); }); it("fades out the Scene Gallery Config", async () => { let classList; let opacityValue; const recheckClassList = () => { let el = configElement; let sel = ".window-content"; classList = returnClassListAsArray(el, sel); opacityValue = parseFloat(returnComputedStyles(el, sel, "opacity")); }; //by default shouldn't include fade recheckClassList(); expect(classList).to.not.include("fade"); expect(opacityValue).to.equal(1.0); //should include fade after fade button is clicked await clickGlobalButton("toggleSheetOpacity"); recheckClassList(); expect(classList).to.include("fade"); //check opacity expect(opacityValue).to.equal(0.5); //should not includ fade after fade button is clicked once more await clickGlobalButton("toggleSheetOpacity"); recheckClassList(); expect(classList).to.not.include("fade"); expect(opacityValue).to.equal(1.0); }); }); }); }; const unlinkedTilesTest = async (context) => { const { describe, it, assert, expect, should } = context; const { testFitToFrame, getDefaultImageSrc, renderConfig, dispatchEvent, getTileObject, getDocData, changeTileImage, getArtGallerySettings, deleteTestScene, duplicateTestScene, initializeScene, returnClassListAsArray, returnComputedStyles, } = TestUtils; const itemActionPrefixString = "[data-action='"; let configApp, configElement, scene, defaultImageSrc, newArtTileBtn, newFrameTileBtn; async function bundleTestData() { let sourceScene = await initializeScene("Empty Tile Scene"); scene = await duplicateTestScene(sourceScene); await quench.utils.pause(300); defaultImageSrc = await getDefaultImageSrc(); ({ configApp, configElement } = await renderConfig()); newArtTileBtn = configElement.find( " .new-tile-list-item button" ); newFrameTileBtn = configElement.find( ".wrapper.frame-tiles .new-tile-list-item button" ); } //reset all of the references async function getConfigData() { configElement = $(document.documentElement.querySelector("#slideshow-config")); newArtTileBtn = configElement.find( " .new-tile-list-item button" ); newFrameTileBtn = configElement.find( ".wrapper.frame-tiles .new-tile-list-item button" ); } describe("It tests the creation and linking of new tiles", async function () { before(async () => { await bundleTestData(); }); after(async () => { await deleteTestScene(scene); }); // beforeEach(async ()=> { // await getConfigData() // }) async function getTileListItem(type) { let tileListElement = configElement.find( `.tile-list-item[data-type='${type}']:not(.new-tile-list-item)` )[0]; return tileListElement; } async function createNewTileListItem(type) { let btn = type === "art" ? newArtTileBtn : newFrameTileBtn;; await quench.utils.pause(900); await getConfigData(); return await getTileListItem(type); let tileListElement = configElement.find( `.tile-list-item[data-type='${type}']:not(.new-tile-list-item)` )[0]; return tileListElement; } function getInlineBadge(tileListElement) { let unlinkedNotificationBadge = tileListElement.querySelector( ".inline-notification[data-variant='warning']" ); return unlinkedNotificationBadge; } async function checkInlineBadge(tileListElement, shouldExist = true) { let unlinkedNotificationBadge = getInlineBadge(tileListElement); if (shouldExist) { assert.exists( unlinkedNotificationBadge, "The unlinked notification badge should exist" ); } else { expect( unlinkedNotificationBadge, "The unlinked notification badge should not exist" ).to.not.exist; } } async function clickUnlinkedActionButton(actionName, type) { const fullActionString = `${itemActionPrefixString}${actionName}']`; const tileListItem = await getTileListItem(type); const btn = tileListItem.querySelector(fullActionString); assert.exists(btn);; await quench.utils.pause(900); await getConfigData(); // return await getConfigData(); } async function createAndCheckNewLinkedTile(type) { let tiles; /** * Get the tiles in the scene */ function getTiles() { tiles = scene.tiles.contents; } getTiles(); let length = tiles.length; // expect(tiles, "Scene should have no tiles at first"); const actionName = "createNewGalleryTile"; await clickUnlinkedActionButton(actionName, type); getTiles(); expect(tiles).to.have.length.above(length); //STUB - get the tile list item element let tileListElement = await getTileListItem(type); let tileID =; let tileDoc = await getTileObject(tileID); let textureProperty = game.version >= 10 ? "texture.src" : "img"; let tileDocSrc = await getDocData(tileDoc, textureProperty); let tileDocID =; //await getDocData(tileDoc, "id"); //STUB - Test that the Tile ID doesn't contain "unlinked" anymore expect( tileID, "Tile id shouldn't have 'unlinked' anymore" ).to.not.contain.oneOf(["unlinked"]); //STUB - Test that the Tile has the Default Frame Tile Image as stored in the settings let defaultSrc = await getDefaultImageSrc(type); expect( tileDocSrc, "The tile should have the same image as the defalt frame tile image" ).to.equal(defaultSrc); // STUB - test that the Tile List Item no longer has the 'unlinked' badge await checkInlineBadge(tileListElement, false); //STUB - Test that the created tile's id and the current tile's id now match expect(tileID).to.equal(tileDocID); } function getSelectElementAndOptions(tileListItem) { let frameSelect = tileListItem.querySelector("select"); let options = Array.from(frameSelect.querySelectorAll("option")); return { frameSelect, options, }; } async function clickOptionElement(tileListItem) { let { frameSelect, options } = getSelectElementAndOptions(tileListItem); let frameOption1 = options[1]; assert.exists(frameOption1); let optionValue = frameOption1.value; frameSelect.value = optionValue; await quench.utils.pause(400); } it("creates a new Scene Gallery Tile Element in the config, when 'new art tile button' is clicked", async function () { let tileListElement = await createNewTileListItem("art"); assert.exists( tileListElement, "This new art Gallery Tile List Item element should exist" ); await checkInlineBadge(tileListElement); // TODO - assert also that the art tile has the Canvas as its frame }); it("Creates a new Frame Gallery Tile Element in the config, when the 'new Frame Tile Button' is clicked", async function () { let tileListElement = await createNewTileListItem("frame"); assert.exists( tileListElement, "This new FRAME Gallery Tile List Item element should exist" ); await checkInlineBadge(tileListElement); }); it("Creates a new ART tile on the canvas when the 'Button' is pressed", async function () { await createAndCheckNewLinkedTile("art"); }); it("Creates a new FRAME tile on the canvas when the 'Button' is pressed", async function () { await createAndCheckNewLinkedTile("frame"); }); it("Checks to see if selecting an Art Tile for the Frame Tile updates the art tile in the config", async function () { // test that the selected Frame Tile updates in the config let frameSelect, options, selectedValue, tileListItem; async function getFrameAndTileListItem() { tileListItem = await getTileListItem("art"); } async function getFrameSelectAndOptions() { tileListItem = await getTileListItem("art"); frameSelect = getSelectElementAndOptions(tileListItem).frameSelect; options = getSelectElementAndOptions(tileListItem).options; assert.exists(frameSelect); selectedValue = frameSelect.value; } // get the selected option element, and click it, then wait await getFrameSelectAndOptions(); let oldValue = selectedValue; await clickOptionElement(tileListItem); //get the selected option and elements again, and check the select's value await getFrameSelectAndOptions(); //expect the option element to be a different element now expect( selectedValue, "Selected frame Value should have changed" ).to.not.equal(oldValue); // await getConfigData(); const frameTileID = selectedValue; const artTileID =; const frameTileListItem = configElement[0].querySelector( `.tile-list-item[data-id='${frameTileID}']` ); //TODO - uncomment the below code, and test the border color upon hover // dispatchEvent(tileListItem, MouseEvent, "mouseover"); // await quench.utils.pause(100); // let artBorderColor = returnComputedStyles(tileListItem, "", "border-color"); // let frameBorderColor = returnComputedStyles( // frameTileListItem, // "", // "border-color" // ); // test that the Art Tile fits within the designated Frame Tile const url = ""; //update the art tile, and see if it fits within the frame tile now await ImageDisplayManager.updateTileObjectTexture( artTileID, frameTileID, url, "anyScene" ); let { artArea, frameArea } = await testFitToFrame(frameTileID, artTileID); expect( artArea, "The art area should be smaller than the frame area" ); }); }); }; const settingsToggleTest = () => {}; Hooks.on("quenchReady", async (quench) => { quench.registerBatch( "Slideshow Config Test", async (context) => { await slideshowConfigTest(context); }, { displayName: "QUENCH: SlideshowConfig Test Suite" } ); quench.registerBatch( "Sheet image display test", async (context) => { await sheetImageDisplayTest(context); }, { displayName: "QUENCH: Image Display Test Suite" } ); quench.registerBatch( "Config Unlinked Test", async (context) => { await unlinkedTilesTest(context); }, { displayName: "QUENCH: Unlinked tiles test" } ); });