import { HelperFunctions } from "./HelperFunctions.js"; import { TestUtils } from "../tests/test-utils.js"; import { ArtTileManager } from "./ArtTileManager.js"; export async function sheetImageDisplayTest(context) { const { describe, it, assert, expect, should } = context; describe("Sheet image display suite", async function () { const { dispatchChange, dispatchMouseDown, getTileObject, getDocData, resizeTile, changeTileImage, getArtGallerySettings, getDocIdFromApp, getAppFromWindow, getAreasOfDocs, deleteTestScene, duplicateTestScene, initializeScene, returnClassListAsArray, returnComputedStyles, checkAppElementForId, getChildElements, clickButton, clickActionButton, } = TestUtils; let sheetApp, sheetElement, scene, sheetControls, imageControls, clickableImageContainers, ourImageContainer, artJournal, artScene; const clickableContainerSelector = ".clickableImageContainer"; const imageControlsSelector = ".clickableImageControls"; const sheetControlsSelector = "#sheet-controls"; let sheetGlobalActionStrings = ["togglelmageControls", "openSlideshowConfig", "openSettingsApp", "fadeJournal"]; /** * set the sheet data from the test journal */ async function getSheetData() { sheetControls = getChildElements(sheetElement, sheetControlsSelector); imageControls = getChildElements(sheetElement, imageControlsSelector, true); clickableImageContainers = getChildElements(sheetElement, clickableContainerSelector, true); ourImageContainer = clickableImageContainers[1]; } before(async () => { let sourceScene = await initializeScene("Premade Gallery Scene"); scene = await duplicateTestScene(sourceScene); // sheetApp = await game.journal.getName("Art").sheet._render(true); sheetApp = await game.journal.getName("Art").sheet.render(true); await quench.utils.pause(900); sheetElement = sheetApp.element; await getSheetData(); }); after(async () => { await deleteTestScene(scene); }); async function getDefaultDisplayIDs() { let artSceneID = await HelperFunctions.getSettingValue( "artGallerySettings", "dedicatedDisplayData.scene.value" ); let artJournalID = await HelperFunctions.getSettingValue( "artGallerySettings", "dedicatedDisplayData.journal.value" ); artScene = game.scenes.get(artSceneID); artJournal = game.scenes.get(artJournalID); } describe("Testing individual image controls", async function () { let ourImage; let src; let displayMethod = "window"; const clickImageControlButton = async () => { ourImageContainer.querySelector(`[data-method='${displayMethod}']`).click(); await quench.utils.pause(900); }; async function compareWindowContent(type, displayMethodAppName, searchText = "") { let windowApp = getAppFromWindow(type, searchText); let windowElement = windowApp.element; assert.exists(windowElement[0]); let windowImageSrc = windowElement[0].querySelector("img")?.getAttribute("src"); if (game.version < 10 && displayMethodAppName.toLowerCase().includes("journal")) windowImageSrc = returnComputedStyles(windowElement[0], ".lightbox-image", "background-image"); // windowImageSrc = getComputedStyle( // windowElement[0].querySelector(".lightbox-image") // ).getPropertyValue("background-image"); let message = `${displayMethodAppName} src should equal clicked image src`; if (game.version >= 10) expect(windowImageSrc, message).to.equal(src); else expect(windowImageSrc, message).to.have.string(src); windowApp.close(); } async function compareTileContent(ourScene) { let defaultArtTileID = await ArtTileManager.getDefaultArtTileID(ourScene); let tileDoc = await getTileObject(defaultArtTileID,; let textureProperty = game.version >= 10 ? "texture.src" : "img"; let tileSrc = await getDocData(tileDoc, textureProperty); expect(tileSrc, `${displayMethod} image src should equal clicked image src`).to.equal(src); } before(async () => { await getDefaultDisplayIDs(); ourImage = ourImageContainer.querySelector("img"); src = ourImage.getAttribute("src"); }); let doBeforeEach = clickImageControlButton; beforeEach(doBeforeEach); afterEach(async () => { await getSheetData(); }); it("Renders a popout window with the apporpriate image", async () => { await compareWindowContent(ImagePopout, "ImagePopout"); displayMethod = "journalEntry"; }); it("Renders the art journal sheet with the appropriate image", async () => { await compareWindowContent(JournalSheet, "Art Journal", "Display Journal"); // //TODO: Ensure the id of this journal entry matches the Art Journal entry displayMethod = "artScene"; }); it("Updates the default Art Tile in the Art Scene with the appropriate image", async () => { await compareTileContent(artScene); displayMethod = "anyScene"; }); it("Updates the default Art Tile in the current scene with the appropriate image", async () => { let tiles = scene.tiles.contents; // compare the slideshow tiles to the tiles that are in the display let buttons = Array.from(ourImageContainer.querySelectorAll(".displayTiles button")); for (let button of buttons) {; let id =; await quench.utils.pause(200); let tile = tiles.find((tile) => === id); let textureProperty = game.version >= 10 ? "texture.src" : "img"; let tileSrc = await getDocData(tile, textureProperty); let imgSrc = ourImage.getAttribute("src"); expect(tileSrc, "Tile path should equal image path").to.equal(imgSrc); } displayMethod = "anyScene"; }); doBeforeEach = async () => {; await quench.utils.pause(900); }; it("Updates the Art Tile associated with the particular sheet image", async () => { await compareTileContent(game.scenes.viewed); }); }); }); }