'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _module() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('module')); _module = function () { return data; }; return data; } function path() { const data = _interopRequireWildcard(require('path')); path = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _url() { const data = require('url'); _url = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _vm() { const data = require('vm'); _vm = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _cjsModuleLexer() { const data = require('cjs-module-lexer'); _cjsModuleLexer = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _collectV8Coverage() { const data = require('collect-v8-coverage'); _collectV8Coverage = function () { return data; }; return data; } function fs() { const data = _interopRequireWildcard(require('graceful-fs')); fs = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _slash() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('slash')); _slash = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _stripBom() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('strip-bom')); _stripBom = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _transform() { const data = require('@jest/transform'); _transform = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestHasteMap() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-haste-map')); _jestHasteMap = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestMessageUtil() { const data = require('jest-message-util'); _jestMessageUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestRegexUtil() { const data = require('jest-regex-util'); _jestRegexUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestResolve() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-resolve')); _jestResolve = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestSnapshot() { const data = require('jest-snapshot'); _jestSnapshot = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestUtil() { const data = require('jest-util'); _jestUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _helpers = require('./helpers'); function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== 'function') return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function')) { return {default: obj}; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== 'default' && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const esmIsAvailable = typeof _vm().SourceTextModule === 'function'; const dataURIRegex = /^data:(?text\/javascript|application\/json|application\/wasm)(?:;(?charset=utf-8|base64))?,(?.*)$/; const defaultTransformOptions = { isInternalModule: false, supportsDynamicImport: esmIsAvailable, supportsExportNamespaceFrom: false, supportsStaticESM: false, supportsTopLevelAwait: false }; // These are modules that we know // * are safe to require from the outside (not stateful, not prone to errors passing in instances from different realms), and // * take sufficiently long to require to warrant an optimization. // When required from the outside, they use the worker's require cache and are thus // only loaded once per worker, not once per test file. // Use /benchmarks/test-file-overhead to measure the impact. // Note that this only applies when they are required in an internal context; // users who require one of these modules in their tests will still get the module from inside the VM. // Prefer listing a module here only if it is impractical to use the jest-resolve-outside-vm-option where it is required, // e.g. because there are many require sites spread across the dependency graph. const INTERNAL_MODULE_REQUIRE_OUTSIDE_OPTIMIZED_MODULES = new Set(['chalk']); const JEST_RESOLVE_OUTSIDE_VM_OPTION = Symbol.for( 'jest-resolve-outside-vm-option' ); const testTimeoutSymbol = Symbol.for('TEST_TIMEOUT_SYMBOL'); const retryTimesSymbol = Symbol.for('RETRY_TIMES'); const logErrorsBeforeRetrySymbol = Symbol.for('LOG_ERRORS_BEFORE_RETRY'); const NODE_MODULES = `${path().sep}node_modules${path().sep}`; const getModuleNameMapper = config => { if ( Array.isArray(config.moduleNameMapper) && config.moduleNameMapper.length ) { return config.moduleNameMapper.map(([regex, moduleName]) => ({ moduleName, regex: new RegExp(regex) })); } return null; }; const unmockRegExpCache = new WeakMap(); const EVAL_RESULT_VARIABLE = 'Object.'; const runtimeSupportsVmModules = typeof _vm().SyntheticModule === 'function'; const supportsNodeColonModulePrefixInRequire = (() => { try { require('node:fs'); return true; } catch { return false; } })(); class Runtime { _cacheFS; _config; _coverageOptions; _currentlyExecutingModulePath; _environment; _explicitShouldMock; _explicitShouldMockModule; _fakeTimersImplementation; _internalModuleRegistry; _isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock; _mainModule; _mockFactories; _mockMetaDataCache; _mockRegistry; _isolatedMockRegistry; _moduleMockRegistry; _moduleMockFactories; _moduleMocker; _isolatedModuleRegistry; _moduleRegistry; _esmoduleRegistry; _cjsNamedExports; _esmModuleLinkingMap; _testPath; _resolver; _shouldAutoMock; _shouldMockModuleCache; _shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache; _sourceMapRegistry; _scriptTransformer; _fileTransforms; _fileTransformsMutex; _v8CoverageInstrumenter; _v8CoverageResult; _v8CoverageSources; _transitiveShouldMock; _unmockList; _virtualMocks; _virtualModuleMocks; _moduleImplementation; jestObjectCaches; jestGlobals; esmConditions; cjsConditions; isTornDown = false; constructor( config, environment, resolver, transformer, cacheFS, coverageOptions, testPath ) { this._cacheFS = cacheFS; this._config = config; this._coverageOptions = coverageOptions; this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = ''; this._environment = environment; this._explicitShouldMock = new Map(); this._explicitShouldMockModule = new Map(); this._internalModuleRegistry = new Map(); this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = null; this._mainModule = null; this._mockFactories = new Map(); this._mockRegistry = new Map(); this._moduleMockRegistry = new Map(); this._moduleMockFactories = new Map(); invariant( this._environment.moduleMocker, '`moduleMocker` must be set on an environment when created' ); this._moduleMocker = this._environment.moduleMocker; this._isolatedModuleRegistry = null; this._isolatedMockRegistry = null; this._moduleRegistry = new Map(); this._esmoduleRegistry = new Map(); this._cjsNamedExports = new Map(); this._esmModuleLinkingMap = new WeakMap(); this._testPath = testPath; this._resolver = resolver; this._scriptTransformer = transformer; this._shouldAutoMock = config.automock; this._sourceMapRegistry = new Map(); this._fileTransforms = new Map(); this._fileTransformsMutex = new Map(); this._virtualMocks = new Map(); this._virtualModuleMocks = new Map(); this.jestObjectCaches = new Map(); this._mockMetaDataCache = new Map(); this._shouldMockModuleCache = new Map(); this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache = new Map(); this._transitiveShouldMock = new Map(); this._fakeTimersImplementation = config.fakeTimers.legacyFakeTimers ? this._environment.fakeTimers : this._environment.fakeTimersModern; this._unmockList = unmockRegExpCache.get(config); if (!this._unmockList && config.unmockedModulePathPatterns) { this._unmockList = new RegExp( config.unmockedModulePathPatterns.join('|') ); unmockRegExpCache.set(config, this._unmockList); } const envExportConditions = this._environment.exportConditions?.() ?? []; this.esmConditions = Array.from( new Set(['import', 'default', ...envExportConditions]) ); this.cjsConditions = Array.from( new Set(['require', 'default', ...envExportConditions]) ); if (config.automock) { config.setupFiles.forEach(filePath => { if (filePath.includes(NODE_MODULES)) { const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, filePath, undefined, // shouldn't really matter, but in theory this will make sure the caching is correct { conditions: this.unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm(filePath) ? this.esmConditions : this.cjsConditions } ); this._transitiveShouldMock.set(moduleID, false); } }); } this.resetModules(); } static shouldInstrument = _transform().shouldInstrument; static async createContext(config, options) { (0, _jestUtil().createDirectory)(config.cacheDirectory); const instance = await Runtime.createHasteMap(config, { console: options.console, maxWorkers: options.maxWorkers, resetCache: !config.cache, watch: options.watch, watchman: options.watchman }); const hasteMap = await instance.build(); return { config, hasteFS: hasteMap.hasteFS, moduleMap: hasteMap.moduleMap, resolver: Runtime.createResolver(config, hasteMap.moduleMap) }; } static createHasteMap(config, options) { const ignorePatternParts = [ ...config.modulePathIgnorePatterns, ...(options && options.watch ? config.watchPathIgnorePatterns : []), config.cacheDirectory.startsWith(config.rootDir + path().sep) && config.cacheDirectory ].filter(Boolean); const ignorePattern = ignorePatternParts.length > 0 ? new RegExp(ignorePatternParts.join('|')) : undefined; return _jestHasteMap().default.create({ cacheDirectory: config.cacheDirectory, computeSha1: config.haste.computeSha1, console: options?.console, dependencyExtractor: config.dependencyExtractor, enableSymlinks: config.haste.enableSymlinks, extensions: [_jestSnapshot().EXTENSION].concat( config.moduleFileExtensions ), forceNodeFilesystemAPI: config.haste.forceNodeFilesystemAPI, hasteImplModulePath: config.haste.hasteImplModulePath, hasteMapModulePath: config.haste.hasteMapModulePath, id: config.id, ignorePattern, maxWorkers: options?.maxWorkers || 1, mocksPattern: (0, _jestRegexUtil().escapePathForRegex)( `${path().sep}__mocks__${path().sep}` ), platforms: config.haste.platforms || ['ios', 'android'], resetCache: options?.resetCache, retainAllFiles: config.haste.retainAllFiles || false, rootDir: config.rootDir, roots: config.roots, throwOnModuleCollision: config.haste.throwOnModuleCollision, useWatchman: options?.watchman, watch: options?.watch }); } static createResolver(config, moduleMap) { return new (_jestResolve().default)(moduleMap, { defaultPlatform: config.haste.defaultPlatform, extensions: config.moduleFileExtensions.map(extension => `.${extension}`), hasCoreModules: true, moduleDirectories: config.moduleDirectories, moduleNameMapper: getModuleNameMapper(config), modulePaths: config.modulePaths, platforms: config.haste.platforms, resolver: config.resolver, rootDir: config.rootDir }); } static async runCLI() { throw new Error('The jest-runtime CLI has been moved into jest-repl'); } static getCLIOptions() { throw new Error('The jest-runtime CLI has been moved into jest-repl'); } // unstable as it should be replaced by https://github.com/nodejs/modules/issues/393, and we don't want people to use it unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm(path) { return _jestResolve().default.unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm( path, this._config.extensionsToTreatAsEsm ); } // not async _now_, but transform will be async loadEsmModule(modulePath, query = '') { const cacheKey = modulePath + query; if (this._fileTransformsMutex.has(cacheKey)) { await this._fileTransformsMutex.get(cacheKey); } if (!this._esmoduleRegistry.has(cacheKey)) { invariant( typeof this._environment.getVmContext === 'function', 'ES Modules are only supported if your test environment has the `getVmContext` function' ); const context = this._environment.getVmContext(); invariant(context, 'Test environment has been torn down'); let transformResolve; let transformReject; this._fileTransformsMutex.set( cacheKey, new Promise((resolve, reject) => { transformResolve = resolve; transformReject = reject; }) ); invariant( transformResolve && transformReject, 'Promise initialization should be sync - please report this bug to Jest!' ); if (this._resolver.isCoreModule(modulePath)) { const core = this._importCoreModule(modulePath, context); this._esmoduleRegistry.set(cacheKey, core); transformResolve(); return core; } const transformedCode = await this.transformFileAsync(modulePath, { isInternalModule: false, supportsDynamicImport: true, supportsExportNamespaceFrom: true, supportsStaticESM: true, supportsTopLevelAwait: true }); try { const module = new (_vm().SourceTextModule)(transformedCode, { context, identifier: modulePath, importModuleDynamically: async (specifier, referencingModule) => { invariant( runtimeSupportsVmModules, 'You need to run with a version of node that supports ES Modules in the VM API. See https://jestjs.io/docs/ecmascript-modules' ); const module = await this.resolveModule( specifier, referencingModule.identifier, referencingModule.context ); return this.linkAndEvaluateModule(module); }, initializeImportMeta: meta => { meta.url = (0, _url().pathToFileURL)(modulePath).href; let jest = this.jestObjectCaches.get(modulePath); if (!jest) { jest = this._createJestObjectFor(modulePath); this.jestObjectCaches.set(modulePath, jest); } meta.jest = jest; } }); invariant( !this._esmoduleRegistry.has(cacheKey), `Module cache already has entry ${cacheKey}. This is a bug in Jest, please report it!` ); this._esmoduleRegistry.set(cacheKey, module); transformResolve(); } catch (error) { transformReject(error); throw error; } } const module = this._esmoduleRegistry.get(cacheKey); invariant( module, 'Module cache does not contain module. This is a bug in Jest, please open up an issue' ); return module; } async resolveModule(specifier, referencingIdentifier, context) { if (this.isTornDown) { this._logFormattedReferenceError( 'You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down.' ); process.exitCode = 1; // @ts-expect-error - exiting return; } if (specifier === '@jest/globals') { const fromCache = this._esmoduleRegistry.get('@jest/globals'); if (fromCache) { return fromCache; } const globals = this.getGlobalsForEsm(referencingIdentifier, context); this._esmoduleRegistry.set('@jest/globals', globals); return globals; } if (specifier.startsWith('data:')) { if ( await this._shouldMockModule( referencingIdentifier, specifier, this._explicitShouldMockModule ) ) { return this.importMock(referencingIdentifier, specifier, context); } const fromCache = this._esmoduleRegistry.get(specifier); if (fromCache) { return fromCache; } const match = specifier.match(dataURIRegex); if (!match || !match.groups) { throw new Error('Invalid data URI'); } const mime = match.groups.mime; if (mime === 'application/wasm') { throw new Error('WASM is currently not supported'); } const encoding = match.groups.encoding; let code = match.groups.code; if (!encoding || encoding === 'charset=utf-8') { code = decodeURIComponent(code); } else if (encoding === 'base64') { code = Buffer.from(code, 'base64').toString(); } else { throw new Error(`Invalid data URI encoding: ${encoding}`); } let module; if (mime === 'application/json') { module = new (_vm().SyntheticModule)( ['default'], function () { const obj = JSON.parse(code); // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know what `this` is this.setExport('default', obj); }, { context, identifier: specifier } ); } else { module = new (_vm().SourceTextModule)(code, { context, identifier: specifier, importModuleDynamically: async (specifier, referencingModule) => { invariant( runtimeSupportsVmModules, 'You need to run with a version of node that supports ES Modules in the VM API. See https://jestjs.io/docs/ecmascript-modules' ); const module = await this.resolveModule( specifier, referencingModule.identifier, referencingModule.context ); return this.linkAndEvaluateModule(module); }, initializeImportMeta(meta) { // no `jest` here as it's not loaded in a file meta.url = specifier; } }); } this._esmoduleRegistry.set(specifier, module); return module; } if (specifier.startsWith('file://')) { specifier = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(specifier); } const [path, query] = specifier.split('?'); if ( await this._shouldMockModule( referencingIdentifier, path, this._explicitShouldMockModule ) ) { return this.importMock(referencingIdentifier, path, context); } const resolved = await this._resolveModule(referencingIdentifier, path); if ( this._resolver.isCoreModule(resolved) || this.unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm(resolved) ) { return this.loadEsmModule(resolved, query); } return this.loadCjsAsEsm(referencingIdentifier, resolved, context); } async linkAndEvaluateModule(module) { if (this.isTornDown) { this._logFormattedReferenceError( 'You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down.' ); process.exitCode = 1; return; } if (module.status === 'unlinked') { // since we might attempt to link the same module in parallel, stick the promise in a weak map so every call to // this method can await it this._esmModuleLinkingMap.set( module, module.link((specifier, referencingModule) => this.resolveModule( specifier, referencingModule.identifier, referencingModule.context ) ) ); } await this._esmModuleLinkingMap.get(module); if (module.status === 'linked') { await module.evaluate(); } return module; } async unstable_importModule(from, moduleName) { invariant( runtimeSupportsVmModules, 'You need to run with a version of node that supports ES Modules in the VM API. See https://jestjs.io/docs/ecmascript-modules' ); const [path, query] = (moduleName ?? '').split('?'); const modulePath = await this._resolveModule(from, path); const module = await this.loadEsmModule(modulePath, query); return this.linkAndEvaluateModule(module); } loadCjsAsEsm(from, modulePath, context) { // CJS loaded via `import` should share cache with other CJS: https://github.com/nodejs/modules/issues/503 const cjs = this.requireModuleOrMock(from, modulePath); const parsedExports = this.getExportsOfCjs(modulePath); const cjsExports = [...parsedExports].filter(exportName => { // we don't wanna respect any exports _named_ default as a named export if (exportName === 'default') { return false; } return Object.hasOwnProperty.call(cjs, exportName); }); const module = new (_vm().SyntheticModule)( [...cjsExports, 'default'], function () { cjsExports.forEach(exportName => { // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know what `this` is this.setExport(exportName, cjs[exportName]); }); // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know what `this` is this.setExport('default', cjs); }, { context, identifier: modulePath } ); return evaluateSyntheticModule(module); } async importMock(from, moduleName, context) { const moduleID = await this._resolver.getModuleIDAsync( this._virtualModuleMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.esmConditions } ); if (this._moduleMockRegistry.has(moduleID)) { return this._moduleMockRegistry.get(moduleID); } if (this._moduleMockFactories.has(moduleID)) { const invokedFactory = await this._moduleMockFactories.get( moduleID // has check above makes this ok )(); const module = new (_vm().SyntheticModule)( Object.keys(invokedFactory), function () { Object.entries(invokedFactory).forEach(([key, value]) => { // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know what `this` is this.setExport(key, value); }); }, { context, identifier: moduleName } ); this._moduleMockRegistry.set(moduleID, module); return evaluateSyntheticModule(module); } throw new Error('Attempting to import a mock without a factory'); } getExportsOfCjs(modulePath) { const cachedNamedExports = this._cjsNamedExports.get(modulePath); if (cachedNamedExports) { return cachedNamedExports; } const transformedCode = this._fileTransforms.get(modulePath)?.code ?? this.readFile(modulePath); const {exports, reexports} = (0, _cjsModuleLexer().parse)(transformedCode); const namedExports = new Set(exports); reexports.forEach(reexport => { const resolved = this._resolveCjsModule(modulePath, reexport); const exports = this.getExportsOfCjs(resolved); exports.forEach(namedExports.add, namedExports); }); this._cjsNamedExports.set(modulePath, namedExports); return namedExports; } requireModule(from, moduleName, options, isRequireActual = false) { const isInternal = options?.isInternalModule ?? false; const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.cjsConditions } ); let modulePath; // Some old tests rely on this mocking behavior. Ideally we'll change this // to be more explicit. const moduleResource = moduleName && this._resolver.getModule(moduleName); const manualMock = moduleName && this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName); if ( !options?.isInternalModule && !isRequireActual && !moduleResource && manualMock && manualMock !== this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock && this._explicitShouldMock.get(moduleID) !== false ) { modulePath = manualMock; } if (moduleName && this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName)) { return this._requireCoreModule( moduleName, supportsNodeColonModulePrefixInRequire ); } if (!modulePath) { modulePath = this._resolveCjsModule(from, moduleName); } if (this.unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm(modulePath)) { // Node includes more info in the message const error = new Error( `Must use import to load ES Module: ${modulePath}` ); error.code = 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM'; throw error; } let moduleRegistry; if (isInternal) { moduleRegistry = this._internalModuleRegistry; } else if (this._isolatedModuleRegistry) { moduleRegistry = this._isolatedModuleRegistry; } else { moduleRegistry = this._moduleRegistry; } const module = moduleRegistry.get(modulePath); if (module) { return module.exports; } // We must register the pre-allocated module object first so that any // circular dependencies that may arise while evaluating the module can // be satisfied. const localModule = { children: [], exports: {}, filename: modulePath, id: modulePath, loaded: false, path: path().dirname(modulePath) }; moduleRegistry.set(modulePath, localModule); try { this._loadModule( localModule, from, moduleName, modulePath, options, moduleRegistry ); } catch (error) { moduleRegistry.delete(modulePath); throw error; } return localModule.exports; } requireInternalModule(from, to) { if (to) { const require = ( _module().default.createRequire ?? _module().default.createRequireFromPath )(from); if (INTERNAL_MODULE_REQUIRE_OUTSIDE_OPTIMIZED_MODULES.has(to)) { return require(to); } const outsideJestVmPath = (0, _helpers.decodePossibleOutsideJestVmPath)( to ); if (outsideJestVmPath) { return require(outsideJestVmPath); } } return this.requireModule(from, to, { isInternalModule: true, supportsDynamicImport: esmIsAvailable, supportsExportNamespaceFrom: false, supportsStaticESM: false, supportsTopLevelAwait: false }); } requireActual(from, moduleName) { return this.requireModule(from, moduleName, undefined, true); } requireMock(from, moduleName) { const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.cjsConditions } ); if (this._isolatedMockRegistry?.has(moduleID)) { return this._isolatedMockRegistry.get(moduleID); } else if (this._mockRegistry.has(moduleID)) { return this._mockRegistry.get(moduleID); } const mockRegistry = this._isolatedMockRegistry || this._mockRegistry; if (this._mockFactories.has(moduleID)) { // has check above makes this ok const module = this._mockFactories.get(moduleID)(); mockRegistry.set(moduleID, module); return module; } const manualMockOrStub = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName); let modulePath = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName) || this._resolveCjsModule(from, moduleName); let isManualMock = manualMockOrStub && !this._resolver.resolveStubModuleName(from, moduleName); if (!isManualMock) { // If the actual module file has a __mocks__ dir sitting immediately next // to it, look to see if there is a manual mock for this file. // // subDir1/my_module.js // subDir1/__mocks__/my_module.js // subDir2/my_module.js // subDir2/__mocks__/my_module.js // // Where some other module does a relative require into each of the // respective subDir{1,2} directories and expects a manual mock // corresponding to that particular my_module.js file. const moduleDir = path().dirname(modulePath); const moduleFileName = path().basename(modulePath); const potentialManualMock = path().join( moduleDir, '__mocks__', moduleFileName ); if (fs().existsSync(potentialManualMock)) { isManualMock = true; modulePath = potentialManualMock; } } if (isManualMock) { const localModule = { children: [], exports: {}, filename: modulePath, id: modulePath, loaded: false, path: path().dirname(modulePath) }; this._loadModule( localModule, from, moduleName, modulePath, undefined, mockRegistry ); mockRegistry.set(moduleID, localModule.exports); } else { // Look for a real module to generate an automock from mockRegistry.set(moduleID, this._generateMock(from, moduleName)); } return mockRegistry.get(moduleID); } _loadModule( localModule, from, moduleName, modulePath, options, moduleRegistry ) { if (path().extname(modulePath) === '.json') { const text = (0, _stripBom().default)(this.readFile(modulePath)); const transformedFile = this._scriptTransformer.transformJson( modulePath, this._getFullTransformationOptions(options), text ); localModule.exports = this._environment.global.JSON.parse(transformedFile); } else if (path().extname(modulePath) === '.node') { localModule.exports = require(modulePath); } else { // Only include the fromPath if a moduleName is given. Else treat as root. const fromPath = moduleName ? from : null; this._execModule(localModule, options, moduleRegistry, fromPath); } localModule.loaded = true; } _getFullTransformationOptions(options = defaultTransformOptions) { return {...options, ...this._coverageOptions}; } requireModuleOrMock(from, moduleName) { // this module is unmockable if (moduleName === '@jest/globals') { // @ts-expect-error: we don't care that it's not assignable to T return this.getGlobalsForCjs(from); } try { if (this._shouldMockCjs(from, moduleName, this._explicitShouldMock)) { return this.requireMock(from, moduleName); } else { return this.requireModule(from, moduleName); } } catch (e) { const moduleNotFound = _jestResolve().default.tryCastModuleNotFoundError(e); if (moduleNotFound) { if ( moduleNotFound.siblingWithSimilarExtensionFound === null || moduleNotFound.siblingWithSimilarExtensionFound === undefined ) { moduleNotFound.hint = (0, _helpers.findSiblingsWithFileExtension)( this._config.moduleFileExtensions, from, moduleNotFound.moduleName || moduleName ); moduleNotFound.siblingWithSimilarExtensionFound = Boolean( moduleNotFound.hint ); } moduleNotFound.buildMessage(this._config.rootDir); throw moduleNotFound; } throw e; } } isolateModules(fn) { if (this._isolatedModuleRegistry || this._isolatedMockRegistry) { throw new Error( 'isolateModules cannot be nested inside another isolateModules.' ); } this._isolatedModuleRegistry = new Map(); this._isolatedMockRegistry = new Map(); try { fn(); } finally { // might be cleared within the callback this._isolatedModuleRegistry?.clear(); this._isolatedMockRegistry?.clear(); this._isolatedModuleRegistry = null; this._isolatedMockRegistry = null; } } resetModules() { this._isolatedModuleRegistry?.clear(); this._isolatedMockRegistry?.clear(); this._isolatedModuleRegistry = null; this._isolatedMockRegistry = null; this._mockRegistry.clear(); this._moduleRegistry.clear(); this._esmoduleRegistry.clear(); this._cjsNamedExports.clear(); this._moduleMockRegistry.clear(); this._cacheFS.clear(); if ( this._coverageOptions.collectCoverage && this._coverageOptions.coverageProvider === 'v8' && this._v8CoverageSources ) { this._v8CoverageSources = new Map([ ...this._v8CoverageSources, ...this._fileTransforms ]); } this._fileTransforms.clear(); if (this._environment) { if (this._environment.global) { const envGlobal = this._environment.global; Object.keys(envGlobal).forEach(key => { const globalMock = envGlobal[key]; if ( ((typeof globalMock === 'object' && globalMock !== null) || typeof globalMock === 'function') && globalMock._isMockFunction === true ) { globalMock.mockClear(); } }); } if (this._environment.fakeTimers) { this._environment.fakeTimers.clearAllTimers(); } } } async collectV8Coverage() { this._v8CoverageInstrumenter = new (_collectV8Coverage().CoverageInstrumenter)(); this._v8CoverageSources = new Map(); await this._v8CoverageInstrumenter.startInstrumenting(); } async stopCollectingV8Coverage() { if (!this._v8CoverageInstrumenter || !this._v8CoverageSources) { throw new Error('You need to call `collectV8Coverage` first.'); } this._v8CoverageResult = await this._v8CoverageInstrumenter.stopInstrumenting(); this._v8CoverageSources = new Map([ ...this._v8CoverageSources, ...this._fileTransforms ]); } getAllCoverageInfoCopy() { return (0, _jestUtil().deepCyclicCopy)( this._environment.global.__coverage__ ); } getAllV8CoverageInfoCopy() { if (!this._v8CoverageResult || !this._v8CoverageSources) { throw new Error('You need to call `stopCollectingV8Coverage` first.'); } return this._v8CoverageResult .filter(res => res.url.startsWith('file://')) .map(res => ({...res, url: (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(res.url)})) .filter( ( res // TODO: will this work on windows? It might be better if `shouldInstrument` deals with it anyways ) => res.url.startsWith(this._config.rootDir) && this._v8CoverageSources.has(res.url) && (0, _transform().shouldInstrument)( res.url, this._coverageOptions, this._config ) ) .map(result => { const transformedFile = this._v8CoverageSources.get(result.url); return { codeTransformResult: transformedFile, result }; }); } getSourceMaps() { return this._sourceMapRegistry; } setMock(from, moduleName, mockFactory, options) { if (options?.virtual) { const mockPath = this._resolver.getModulePath(from, moduleName); this._virtualMocks.set(mockPath, true); } const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.cjsConditions } ); this._explicitShouldMock.set(moduleID, true); this._mockFactories.set(moduleID, mockFactory); } setModuleMock(from, moduleName, mockFactory, options) { if (options?.virtual) { const mockPath = this._resolver.getModulePath(from, moduleName); this._virtualModuleMocks.set(mockPath, true); } const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualModuleMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.esmConditions } ); this._explicitShouldMockModule.set(moduleID, true); this._moduleMockFactories.set(moduleID, mockFactory); } restoreAllMocks() { this._moduleMocker.restoreAllMocks(); } resetAllMocks() { this._moduleMocker.resetAllMocks(); } clearAllMocks() { this._moduleMocker.clearAllMocks(); } teardown() { this.restoreAllMocks(); this.resetAllMocks(); this.resetModules(); this._internalModuleRegistry.clear(); this._mainModule = null; this._mockFactories.clear(); this._moduleMockFactories.clear(); this._mockMetaDataCache.clear(); this._shouldMockModuleCache.clear(); this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache.clear(); this._explicitShouldMock.clear(); this._explicitShouldMockModule.clear(); this._transitiveShouldMock.clear(); this._virtualMocks.clear(); this._virtualModuleMocks.clear(); this._cacheFS.clear(); this._unmockList = undefined; this._sourceMapRegistry.clear(); this._fileTransforms.clear(); this._fileTransformsMutex.clear(); this.jestObjectCaches.clear(); this._v8CoverageSources?.clear(); this._v8CoverageResult = []; this._v8CoverageInstrumenter = undefined; this._moduleImplementation = undefined; this.isTornDown = true; } _resolveCjsModule(from, to) { return to ? this._resolver.resolveModule(from, to, { conditions: this.cjsConditions }) : from; } _resolveModule(from, to) { return to ? this._resolver.resolveModuleAsync(from, to, { conditions: this.esmConditions }) : from; } _requireResolve(from, moduleName, options = {}) { if (moduleName == null) { throw new Error( 'The first argument to require.resolve must be a string. Received null or undefined.' ); } if (path().isAbsolute(moduleName)) { const module = this._resolver.resolveModuleFromDirIfExists( moduleName, moduleName, { conditions: this.cjsConditions, paths: [] } ); if (module) { return module; } } else { const {paths} = options; if (paths) { for (const p of paths) { const absolutePath = path().resolve(from, '..', p); const module = this._resolver.resolveModuleFromDirIfExists( absolutePath, moduleName, // required to also resolve files without leading './' directly in the path { conditions: this.cjsConditions, paths: [absolutePath] } ); if (module) { return module; } } throw new (_jestResolve().default.ModuleNotFoundError)( `Cannot resolve module '${moduleName}' from paths ['${paths.join( "', '" )}'] from ${from}` ); } } try { return this._resolveCjsModule(from, moduleName); } catch (err) { const module = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName); if (module) { return module; } else { throw err; } } } _requireResolvePaths(from, moduleName) { if (moduleName == null) { throw new Error( 'The first argument to require.resolve.paths must be a string. Received null or undefined.' ); } if (!moduleName.length) { throw new Error( 'The first argument to require.resolve.paths must not be the empty string.' ); } if (moduleName[0] === '.') { return [path().resolve(from, '..')]; } if (this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName)) { return null; } return this._resolver.getModulePaths(path().resolve(from, '..')); } _execModule(localModule, options, moduleRegistry, from) { if (this.isTornDown) { this._logFormattedReferenceError( 'You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down.' ); process.exitCode = 1; return; } // If the environment was disposed, prevent this module from being executed. if (!this._environment.global) { return; } const module = localModule; const filename = module.filename; const lastExecutingModulePath = this._currentlyExecutingModulePath; this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = filename; const origCurrExecutingManualMock = this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock; this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = filename; module.children = []; Object.defineProperty(module, 'parent', { enumerable: true, get() { const key = from || ''; return moduleRegistry.get(key) || null; } }); module.paths = this._resolver.getModulePaths(module.path); Object.defineProperty(module, 'require', { value: this._createRequireImplementation(module, options) }); const transformedCode = this.transformFile(filename, options); let compiledFunction = null; const script = this.createScriptFromCode(transformedCode, filename); let runScript = null; const vmContext = this._environment.getVmContext(); if (vmContext) { runScript = script.runInContext(vmContext, { filename }); } if (runScript !== null) { compiledFunction = runScript[EVAL_RESULT_VARIABLE]; } if (compiledFunction === null) { this._logFormattedReferenceError( 'You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down.' ); process.exitCode = 1; return; } const jestObject = this._createJestObjectFor(filename); this.jestObjectCaches.set(filename, jestObject); const lastArgs = [ this._config.injectGlobals ? jestObject : undefined, // jest object ...this._config.sandboxInjectedGlobals.map(globalVariable => { if (this._environment.global[globalVariable]) { return this._environment.global[globalVariable]; } throw new Error( `You have requested '${globalVariable}' as a global variable, but it was not present. Please check your config or your global environment.` ); }) ]; if (!this._mainModule && filename === this._testPath) { this._mainModule = module; } Object.defineProperty(module, 'main', { enumerable: true, value: this._mainModule }); try { compiledFunction.call( module.exports, module, // module object module.exports, // module exports module.require, // require implementation module.path, // __dirname module.filename, // __filename lastArgs[0], ...lastArgs.slice(1).filter(notEmpty) ); } catch (error) { this.handleExecutionError(error, module); } this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = origCurrExecutingManualMock; this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = lastExecutingModulePath; } transformFile(filename, options) { const source = this.readFile(filename); if (options?.isInternalModule) { return source; } let transformedFile = this._fileTransforms.get(filename); if (transformedFile) { return transformedFile.code; } transformedFile = this._scriptTransformer.transform( filename, this._getFullTransformationOptions(options), source ); this._fileTransforms.set(filename, { ...transformedFile, wrapperLength: this.constructModuleWrapperStart().length }); if (transformedFile.sourceMapPath) { this._sourceMapRegistry.set(filename, transformedFile.sourceMapPath); } return transformedFile.code; } async transformFileAsync(filename, options) { const source = this.readFile(filename); if (options?.isInternalModule) { return source; } let transformedFile = this._fileTransforms.get(filename); if (transformedFile) { return transformedFile.code; } transformedFile = await this._scriptTransformer.transformAsync( filename, this._getFullTransformationOptions(options), source ); this._fileTransforms.set(filename, {...transformedFile, wrapperLength: 0}); if (transformedFile.sourceMapPath) { this._sourceMapRegistry.set(filename, transformedFile.sourceMapPath); } return transformedFile.code; } createScriptFromCode(scriptSource, filename) { try { const scriptFilename = this._resolver.isCoreModule(filename) ? `jest-nodejs-core-${filename}` : filename; return new (_vm().Script)(this.wrapCodeInModuleWrapper(scriptSource), { displayErrors: true, filename: scriptFilename, // @ts-expect-error: Experimental ESM API importModuleDynamically: async specifier => { invariant( runtimeSupportsVmModules, 'You need to run with a version of node that supports ES Modules in the VM API. See https://jestjs.io/docs/ecmascript-modules' ); const context = this._environment.getVmContext?.(); invariant(context, 'Test environment has been torn down'); const module = await this.resolveModule( specifier, scriptFilename, context ); return this.linkAndEvaluateModule(module); } }); } catch (e) { throw (0, _transform().handlePotentialSyntaxError)(e); } } _requireCoreModule(moduleName, supportPrefix) { const moduleWithoutNodePrefix = supportPrefix && moduleName.startsWith('node:') ? moduleName.slice('node:'.length) : moduleName; if (moduleWithoutNodePrefix === 'process') { return this._environment.global.process; } if (moduleWithoutNodePrefix === 'module') { return this._getMockedNativeModule(); } return require(moduleWithoutNodePrefix); } _importCoreModule(moduleName, context) { const required = this._requireCoreModule(moduleName, true); const module = new (_vm().SyntheticModule)( ['default', ...Object.keys(required)], function () { // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know what `this` is this.setExport('default', required); Object.entries(required).forEach(([key, value]) => { // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know what `this` is this.setExport(key, value); }); }, // should identifier be `node://${moduleName}`? { context, identifier: moduleName } ); return evaluateSyntheticModule(module); } _getMockedNativeModule() { if (this._moduleImplementation) { return this._moduleImplementation; } const createRequire = modulePath => { const filename = typeof modulePath === 'string' ? modulePath.startsWith('file:///') ? (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(new (_url().URL)(modulePath)) : modulePath : (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(modulePath); if (!path().isAbsolute(filename)) { const error = new TypeError( `The argument 'filename' must be a file URL object, file URL string, or absolute path string. Received '${filename}'` ); error.code = 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE'; throw error; } return this._createRequireImplementation({ children: [], exports: {}, filename, id: filename, loaded: false, path: path().dirname(filename) }); }; // should we implement the class ourselves? class Module extends _module().default.Module {} Object.entries(_module().default.Module).forEach(([key, value]) => { // @ts-expect-error: no index signature Module[key] = value; }); Module.Module = Module; if ('createRequire' in _module().default) { Module.createRequire = createRequire; } if ('createRequireFromPath' in _module().default) { Module.createRequireFromPath = function createRequireFromPath(filename) { if (typeof filename !== 'string') { const error = new TypeError( `The argument 'filename' must be string. Received '${filename}'.${ filename instanceof _url().URL ? ' Use createRequire for URL filename.' : '' }` ); error.code = 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE'; throw error; } return createRequire(filename); }; } if ('syncBuiltinESMExports' in _module().default) { // cast since TS seems very confused about whether it exists or not Module.syncBuiltinESMExports = // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function function syncBuiltinESMExports() {}; } this._moduleImplementation = Module; return Module; } _generateMock(from, moduleName) { const modulePath = this._resolver.resolveStubModuleName(from, moduleName) || this._resolveCjsModule(from, moduleName); if (!this._mockMetaDataCache.has(modulePath)) { // This allows us to handle circular dependencies while generating an // automock this._mockMetaDataCache.set( modulePath, this._moduleMocker.getMetadata({}) || {} ); // In order to avoid it being possible for automocking to potentially // cause side-effects within the module environment, we need to execute // the module in isolation. This could cause issues if the module being // mocked has calls into side-effectful APIs on another module. const origMockRegistry = this._mockRegistry; const origModuleRegistry = this._moduleRegistry; this._mockRegistry = new Map(); this._moduleRegistry = new Map(); const moduleExports = this.requireModule(from, moduleName); // Restore the "real" module/mock registries this._mockRegistry = origMockRegistry; this._moduleRegistry = origModuleRegistry; const mockMetadata = this._moduleMocker.getMetadata(moduleExports); if (mockMetadata == null) { throw new Error( `Failed to get mock metadata: ${modulePath}\n\n` + 'See: https://jestjs.io/docs/manual-mocks#content' ); } this._mockMetaDataCache.set(modulePath, mockMetadata); } return this._moduleMocker.generateFromMetadata( // added above if missing this._mockMetaDataCache.get(modulePath) ); } _shouldMockCjs(from, moduleName, explicitShouldMock) { const options = { conditions: this.cjsConditions }; const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, options ); const key = from + path().delimiter + moduleID; if (explicitShouldMock.has(moduleID)) { // guaranteed by `has` above return explicitShouldMock.get(moduleID); } if ( !this._shouldAutoMock || this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName) || this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache.get(key) ) { return false; } if (this._shouldMockModuleCache.has(moduleID)) { // guaranteed by `has` above return this._shouldMockModuleCache.get(moduleID); } let modulePath; try { modulePath = this._resolveCjsModule(from, moduleName); } catch (e) { const manualMock = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName); if (manualMock) { this._shouldMockModuleCache.set(moduleID, true); return true; } throw e; } if (this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(modulePath)) { this._shouldMockModuleCache.set(moduleID, false); return false; } // transitive unmocking for package managers that store flat packages (npm3) const currentModuleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, undefined, options ); if ( this._transitiveShouldMock.get(currentModuleID) === false || (from.includes(NODE_MODULES) && modulePath.includes(NODE_MODULES) && ((this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(from)) || explicitShouldMock.get(currentModuleID) === false)) ) { this._transitiveShouldMock.set(moduleID, false); this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache.set(key, true); return false; } this._shouldMockModuleCache.set(moduleID, true); return true; } async _shouldMockModule(from, moduleName, explicitShouldMock) { const options = { conditions: this.esmConditions }; const moduleID = await this._resolver.getModuleIDAsync( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, options ); const key = from + path().delimiter + moduleID; if (explicitShouldMock.has(moduleID)) { // guaranteed by `has` above return explicitShouldMock.get(moduleID); } if ( !this._shouldAutoMock || this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName) || this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache.get(key) ) { return false; } if (this._shouldMockModuleCache.has(moduleID)) { // guaranteed by `has` above return this._shouldMockModuleCache.get(moduleID); } let modulePath; try { modulePath = await this._resolveModule(from, moduleName); } catch (e) { const manualMock = await this._resolver.getMockModuleAsync( from, moduleName ); if (manualMock) { this._shouldMockModuleCache.set(moduleID, true); return true; } throw e; } if (this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(modulePath)) { this._shouldMockModuleCache.set(moduleID, false); return false; } // transitive unmocking for package managers that store flat packages (npm3) const currentModuleID = await this._resolver.getModuleIDAsync( this._virtualMocks, from, undefined, options ); if ( this._transitiveShouldMock.get(currentModuleID) === false || (from.includes(NODE_MODULES) && modulePath.includes(NODE_MODULES) && ((this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(from)) || explicitShouldMock.get(currentModuleID) === false)) ) { this._transitiveShouldMock.set(moduleID, false); this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache.set(key, true); return false; } this._shouldMockModuleCache.set(moduleID, true); return true; } _createRequireImplementation(from, options) { const resolve = (moduleName, resolveOptions) => { const resolved = this._requireResolve( from.filename, moduleName, resolveOptions ); if ( resolveOptions?.[JEST_RESOLVE_OUTSIDE_VM_OPTION] && options?.isInternalModule ) { return (0, _helpers.createOutsideJestVmPath)(resolved); } return resolved; }; resolve.paths = moduleName => this._requireResolvePaths(from.filename, moduleName); const moduleRequire = options?.isInternalModule ? moduleName => this.requireInternalModule(from.filename, moduleName) : this.requireModuleOrMock.bind(this, from.filename); moduleRequire.extensions = Object.create(null); moduleRequire.resolve = resolve; moduleRequire.cache = (() => { // TODO: consider warning somehow that this does nothing. We should support deletions, anyways const notPermittedMethod = () => true; return new Proxy(Object.create(null), { defineProperty: notPermittedMethod, deleteProperty: notPermittedMethod, get: (_target, key) => typeof key === 'string' ? this._moduleRegistry.get(key) : undefined, getOwnPropertyDescriptor() { return { configurable: true, enumerable: true }; }, has: (_target, key) => typeof key === 'string' && this._moduleRegistry.has(key), ownKeys: () => Array.from(this._moduleRegistry.keys()), set: notPermittedMethod }); })(); Object.defineProperty(moduleRequire, 'main', { enumerable: true, value: this._mainModule }); return moduleRequire; } _createJestObjectFor(from) { const disableAutomock = () => { this._shouldAutoMock = false; return jestObject; }; const enableAutomock = () => { this._shouldAutoMock = true; return jestObject; }; const unmock = moduleName => { const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.cjsConditions } ); this._explicitShouldMock.set(moduleID, false); return jestObject; }; const deepUnmock = moduleName => { const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.cjsConditions } ); this._explicitShouldMock.set(moduleID, false); this._transitiveShouldMock.set(moduleID, false); return jestObject; }; const mock = (moduleName, mockFactory, options) => { if (mockFactory !== undefined) { return setMockFactory(moduleName, mockFactory, options); } const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID( this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName, { conditions: this.cjsConditions } ); this._explicitShouldMock.set(moduleID, true); return jestObject; }; const setMockFactory = (moduleName, mockFactory, options) => { this.setMock(from, moduleName, mockFactory, options); return jestObject; }; const mockModule = (moduleName, mockFactory, options) => { if (typeof mockFactory !== 'function') { throw new Error('`unstable_mockModule` must be passed a mock factory'); } this.setModuleMock(from, moduleName, mockFactory, options); return jestObject; }; const clearAllMocks = () => { this.clearAllMocks(); return jestObject; }; const resetAllMocks = () => { this.resetAllMocks(); return jestObject; }; const restoreAllMocks = () => { this.restoreAllMocks(); return jestObject; }; const _getFakeTimers = () => { if ( this.isTornDown || !(this._environment.fakeTimers || this._environment.fakeTimersModern) ) { this._logFormattedReferenceError( 'You are trying to access a property or method of the Jest environment after it has been torn down.' ); process.exitCode = 1; } return this._fakeTimersImplementation; }; const useFakeTimers = fakeTimersConfig => { fakeTimersConfig = {...this._config.fakeTimers, ...fakeTimersConfig}; if (fakeTimersConfig?.legacyFakeTimers) { this._fakeTimersImplementation = this._environment.fakeTimers; } else { this._fakeTimersImplementation = this._environment.fakeTimersModern; } this._fakeTimersImplementation.useFakeTimers(fakeTimersConfig); return jestObject; }; const useRealTimers = () => { _getFakeTimers().useRealTimers(); return jestObject; }; const resetModules = () => { this.resetModules(); return jestObject; }; const isolateModules = fn => { this.isolateModules(fn); return jestObject; }; const fn = this._moduleMocker.fn.bind(this._moduleMocker); const spyOn = this._moduleMocker.spyOn.bind(this._moduleMocker); const mocked = this._moduleMocker.mocked?.bind(this._moduleMocker) ?? (() => { throw new Error( 'Your test environment does not support `mocked`, please update it.' ); }); const setTimeout = timeout => { this._environment.global[testTimeoutSymbol] = timeout; return jestObject; }; const retryTimes = (numTestRetries, options) => { this._environment.global[retryTimesSymbol] = numTestRetries; this._environment.global[logErrorsBeforeRetrySymbol] = options?.logErrorsBeforeRetry; return jestObject; }; const jestObject = { advanceTimersByTime: msToRun => _getFakeTimers().advanceTimersByTime(msToRun), advanceTimersToNextTimer: steps => _getFakeTimers().advanceTimersToNextTimer(steps), autoMockOff: disableAutomock, autoMockOn: enableAutomock, clearAllMocks, clearAllTimers: () => _getFakeTimers().clearAllTimers(), createMockFromModule: moduleName => this._generateMock(from, moduleName), deepUnmock, disableAutomock, doMock: mock, dontMock: unmock, enableAutomock, fn, genMockFromModule: moduleName => this._generateMock(from, moduleName), getRealSystemTime: () => { const fakeTimers = _getFakeTimers(); if (fakeTimers === this._environment.fakeTimersModern) { return fakeTimers.getRealSystemTime(); } else { throw new TypeError( '`jest.getRealSystemTime()` is not available when using legacy fake timers.' ); } }, getTimerCount: () => _getFakeTimers().getTimerCount(), isMockFunction: this._moduleMocker.isMockFunction, isolateModules, mock, mocked, requireActual: this.requireActual.bind(this, from), requireMock: this.requireMock.bind(this, from), resetAllMocks, resetModules, restoreAllMocks, retryTimes, runAllImmediates: () => { const fakeTimers = _getFakeTimers(); if (fakeTimers === this._environment.fakeTimers) { fakeTimers.runAllImmediates(); } else { throw new TypeError( '`jest.runAllImmediates()` is only available when using legacy fake timers.' ); } }, runAllTicks: () => _getFakeTimers().runAllTicks(), runAllTimers: () => _getFakeTimers().runAllTimers(), runOnlyPendingTimers: () => _getFakeTimers().runOnlyPendingTimers(), setMock: (moduleName, mock) => setMockFactory(moduleName, () => mock), setSystemTime: now => { const fakeTimers = _getFakeTimers(); if (fakeTimers === this._environment.fakeTimersModern) { fakeTimers.setSystemTime(now); } else { throw new TypeError( '`jest.setSystemTime()` is not available when using legacy fake timers.' ); } }, setTimeout, spyOn, unmock, unstable_mockModule: mockModule, useFakeTimers, useRealTimers }; return jestObject; } _logFormattedReferenceError(errorMessage) { const testPath = this._testPath ? ` From ${(0, _slash().default)( path().relative(this._config.rootDir, this._testPath) )}.` : ''; const originalStack = new ReferenceError(`${errorMessage}${testPath}`).stack .split('\n') // Remove this file from the stack (jest-message-utils will keep one line) .filter(line => line.indexOf(__filename) === -1) .join('\n'); const {message, stack} = (0, _jestMessageUtil().separateMessageFromStack)( originalStack ); console.error( `\n${message}\n${(0, _jestMessageUtil().formatStackTrace)( stack, this._config, { noStackTrace: false } )}` ); } wrapCodeInModuleWrapper(content) { return `${this.constructModuleWrapperStart() + content}\n}});`; } constructModuleWrapperStart() { const args = this.constructInjectedModuleParameters(); return `({"${EVAL_RESULT_VARIABLE}":function(${args.join(',')}){`; } constructInjectedModuleParameters() { return [ 'module', 'exports', 'require', '__dirname', '__filename', this._config.injectGlobals ? 'jest' : undefined, ...this._config.sandboxInjectedGlobals ].filter(notEmpty); } handleExecutionError(e, module) { const moduleNotFoundError = _jestResolve().default.tryCastModuleNotFoundError(e); if (moduleNotFoundError) { if (!moduleNotFoundError.requireStack) { moduleNotFoundError.requireStack = [module.filename || module.id]; for (let cursor = module.parent; cursor; cursor = cursor.parent) { moduleNotFoundError.requireStack.push(cursor.filename || cursor.id); } moduleNotFoundError.buildMessage(this._config.rootDir); } throw moduleNotFoundError; } throw e; } getGlobalsForCjs(from) { const jest = this.jestObjectCaches.get(from); invariant(jest, 'There should always be a Jest object already'); return {...this.getGlobalsFromEnvironment(), jest}; } getGlobalsForEsm(from, context) { let jest = this.jestObjectCaches.get(from); if (!jest) { jest = this._createJestObjectFor(from); this.jestObjectCaches.set(from, jest); } const globals = {...this.getGlobalsFromEnvironment(), jest}; const module = new (_vm().SyntheticModule)( Object.keys(globals), function () { Object.entries(globals).forEach(([key, value]) => { // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know what `this` is this.setExport(key, value); }); }, { context, identifier: '@jest/globals' } ); return evaluateSyntheticModule(module); } getGlobalsFromEnvironment() { if (this.jestGlobals) { return {...this.jestGlobals}; } return { afterAll: this._environment.global.afterAll, afterEach: this._environment.global.afterEach, beforeAll: this._environment.global.beforeAll, beforeEach: this._environment.global.beforeEach, describe: this._environment.global.describe, expect: this._environment.global.expect, fdescribe: this._environment.global.fdescribe, fit: this._environment.global.fit, it: this._environment.global.it, test: this._environment.global.test, xdescribe: this._environment.global.xdescribe, xit: this._environment.global.xit, xtest: this._environment.global.xtest }; } readFile(filename) { let source = this._cacheFS.get(filename); if (!source) { source = fs().readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); this._cacheFS.set(filename, source); } return source; } setGlobalsForRuntime(globals) { this.jestGlobals = globals; } } exports.default = Runtime; function invariant(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } } function notEmpty(value) { return value !== null && value !== undefined; } async function evaluateSyntheticModule(module) { await module.link(() => { throw new Error('This should never happen'); }); await module.evaluate(); return module; }