/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import type {Config} from '@jest/types'; import type {DeprecatedOptions} from 'jest-validate'; declare type AllOptions = Config.ProjectConfig & Config.GlobalConfig; declare namespace constants { export { NODE_MODULES, DEFAULT_JS_PATTERN, PACKAGE_JSON, JEST_CONFIG_BASE_NAME, JEST_CONFIG_EXT_CJS, JEST_CONFIG_EXT_MJS, JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JS, JEST_CONFIG_EXT_TS, JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JSON, JEST_CONFIG_EXT_ORDER, }; } export {constants}; declare const DEFAULT_JS_PATTERN = '\\.[jt]sx?$'; export declare const defaults: Config.DefaultOptions; export declare const deprecationEntries: DeprecatedOptions; export declare const descriptions: { [key in keyof Config.InitialOptions]: string; }; export declare const isJSONString: ( text?: JSONString | string, ) => text is JSONString; declare const JEST_CONFIG_BASE_NAME = 'jest.config'; declare const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_CJS = '.cjs'; declare const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JS = '.js'; declare const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JSON = '.json'; declare const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_MJS = '.mjs'; declare const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_ORDER: readonly string[]; declare const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_TS = '.ts'; declare type JSONString = string & { readonly $$type: never; }; declare const NODE_MODULES: string; export declare function normalize( initialOptions: Config.InitialOptions, argv: Config.Argv, configPath?: string | null, projectIndex?: number, ): Promise<{ hasDeprecationWarnings: boolean; options: AllOptions; }>; declare const PACKAGE_JSON = 'package.json'; declare type ReadConfig = { configPath: string | null | undefined; globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig; hasDeprecationWarnings: boolean; projectConfig: Config.ProjectConfig; }; export declare function readConfig( argv: Config.Argv, packageRootOrConfig: string | Config.InitialOptions, skipArgvConfigOption?: boolean, parentConfigDirname?: string | null, projectIndex?: number, skipMultipleConfigError?: boolean, ): Promise; export declare function readConfigs( argv: Config.Argv, projectPaths: Array, ): Promise<{ globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig; configs: Array; hasDeprecationWarnings: boolean; }>; export declare const replaceRootDirInPath: ( rootDir: string, filePath: string, ) => string; export {};