'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.describe = exports.default = exports.beforeEach = exports.beforeAll = exports.afterEach = exports.afterAll = void 0; Object.defineProperty(exports, 'getState', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _state.getState; } }); exports.it = void 0; Object.defineProperty(exports, 'resetState', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _state.resetState; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'run', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _run.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'setState', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _state.setState; } }); exports.test = void 0; var _jestEach = require('jest-each'); var _jestUtil = require('jest-util'); var _state = require('./state'); var _run = _interopRequireDefault(require('./run')); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const describe = (() => { const describe = (blockName, blockFn) => _dispatchDescribe(blockFn, blockName, describe); const only = (blockName, blockFn) => _dispatchDescribe(blockFn, blockName, only, 'only'); const skip = (blockName, blockFn) => _dispatchDescribe(blockFn, blockName, skip, 'skip'); describe.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(describe, false); only.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(only, false); skip.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(skip, false); describe.only = only; describe.skip = skip; return describe; })(); exports.describe = describe; const _dispatchDescribe = (blockFn, blockName, describeFn, mode) => { const asyncError = new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack(undefined, describeFn); if (blockFn === undefined) { asyncError.message = 'Missing second argument. It must be a callback function.'; throw asyncError; } if (typeof blockFn !== 'function') { asyncError.message = `Invalid second argument, ${blockFn}. It must be a callback function.`; throw asyncError; } try { blockName = (0, _jestUtil.convertDescriptorToString)(blockName); } catch (error) { asyncError.message = error.message; throw asyncError; } (0, _state.dispatchSync)({ asyncError, blockName, mode, name: 'start_describe_definition' }); const describeReturn = blockFn(); if ((0, _jestUtil.isPromise)(describeReturn)) { throw new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack( 'Returning a Promise from "describe" is not supported. Tests must be defined synchronously.', describeFn ); } else if (describeReturn !== undefined) { throw new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack( 'A "describe" callback must not return a value.', describeFn ); } (0, _state.dispatchSync)({ blockName, mode, name: 'finish_describe_definition' }); }; const _addHook = (fn, hookType, hookFn, timeout) => { const asyncError = new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack(undefined, hookFn); if (typeof fn !== 'function') { asyncError.message = 'Invalid first argument. It must be a callback function.'; throw asyncError; } (0, _state.dispatchSync)({ asyncError, fn, hookType, name: 'add_hook', timeout }); }; // Hooks have to pass themselves to the HOF in order for us to trim stack traces. const beforeEach = (fn, timeout) => _addHook(fn, 'beforeEach', beforeEach, timeout); exports.beforeEach = beforeEach; const beforeAll = (fn, timeout) => _addHook(fn, 'beforeAll', beforeAll, timeout); exports.beforeAll = beforeAll; const afterEach = (fn, timeout) => _addHook(fn, 'afterEach', afterEach, timeout); exports.afterEach = afterEach; const afterAll = (fn, timeout) => _addHook(fn, 'afterAll', afterAll, timeout); exports.afterAll = afterAll; const test = (() => { const test = (testName, fn, timeout) => _addTest(testName, undefined, false, fn, test, timeout); const skip = (testName, fn, timeout) => _addTest(testName, 'skip', false, fn, skip, timeout); const only = (testName, fn, timeout) => _addTest(testName, 'only', false, fn, test.only, timeout); const concurrentTest = (testName, fn, timeout) => _addTest(testName, undefined, true, fn, concurrentTest, timeout); const concurrentOnly = (testName, fn, timeout) => _addTest(testName, 'only', true, fn, concurrentOnly, timeout); const bindFailing = (concurrent, mode) => { const failing = (testName, fn, timeout) => _addTest(testName, mode, concurrent, fn, failing, timeout, true); failing.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(failing, false); return failing; }; test.todo = (testName, ...rest) => { if (rest.length > 0 || typeof testName !== 'string') { throw new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack( 'Todo must be called with only a description.', test.todo ); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function return _addTest(testName, 'todo', false, () => {}, test.todo); }; const _addTest = ( testName, mode, concurrent, fn, testFn, timeout, failing ) => { const asyncError = new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack(undefined, testFn); try { testName = (0, _jestUtil.convertDescriptorToString)(testName); } catch (error) { asyncError.message = error.message; throw asyncError; } if (fn === undefined) { asyncError.message = 'Missing second argument. It must be a callback function. Perhaps you want to use `test.todo` for a test placeholder.'; throw asyncError; } if (typeof fn !== 'function') { asyncError.message = `Invalid second argument, ${fn}. It must be a callback function.`; throw asyncError; } return (0, _state.dispatchSync)({ asyncError, concurrent, failing: failing === undefined ? false : failing, fn, mode, name: 'add_test', testName, timeout }); }; test.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(test); only.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(only); skip.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(skip); concurrentTest.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(concurrentTest, false); concurrentOnly.each = (0, _jestEach.bind)(concurrentOnly, false); only.failing = bindFailing(false, 'only'); skip.failing = bindFailing(false, 'skip'); test.failing = bindFailing(false); test.only = only; test.skip = skip; test.concurrent = concurrentTest; concurrentTest.only = concurrentOnly; concurrentTest.skip = skip; concurrentTest.failing = bindFailing(true); concurrentOnly.failing = bindFailing(true, 'only'); return test; })(); exports.test = test; const it = test; exports.it = it; var _default = { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, it, test }; exports.default = _default;