'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH = void 0; exports.default = getSummary; function _chalk() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk')); _chalk = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestUtil() { const data = require('jest-util'); _jestUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH = 40; exports.PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH = PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH; function getValuesCurrentTestCases(currentTestCases = []) { let numFailingTests = 0; let numPassingTests = 0; let numPendingTests = 0; let numTodoTests = 0; let numTotalTests = 0; currentTestCases.forEach(testCase => { switch (testCase.testCaseResult.status) { case 'failed': { numFailingTests++; break; } case 'passed': { numPassingTests++; break; } case 'skipped': { numPendingTests++; break; } case 'todo': { numTodoTests++; break; } } numTotalTests++; }); return { numFailingTests, numPassingTests, numPendingTests, numTodoTests, numTotalTests }; } function renderTime(runTime, estimatedTime, width) { // If we are more than one second over the estimated time, highlight it. const renderedTime = estimatedTime && runTime >= estimatedTime + 1 ? _chalk().default.bold.yellow((0, _jestUtil().formatTime)(runTime, 0)) : (0, _jestUtil().formatTime)(runTime, 0); let time = `${_chalk().default.bold('Time:')} ${renderedTime}`; if (runTime < estimatedTime) { time += `, estimated ${(0, _jestUtil().formatTime)(estimatedTime, 0)}`; } // Only show a progress bar if the test run is actually going to take // some time. if (estimatedTime > 2 && runTime < estimatedTime && width) { const availableWidth = Math.min(PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH, width); const length = Math.min( Math.floor((runTime / estimatedTime) * availableWidth), availableWidth ); if (availableWidth >= 2) { time += `\n${_chalk().default.green('█').repeat(length)}${_chalk() .default.white('█') .repeat(availableWidth - length)}`; } } return time; } function getSummary(aggregatedResults, options) { let runTime = (Date.now() - aggregatedResults.startTime) / 1000; if (options && options.roundTime) { runTime = Math.floor(runTime); } const valuesForCurrentTestCases = getValuesCurrentTestCases( options?.currentTestCases ); const estimatedTime = (options && options.estimatedTime) || 0; const snapshotResults = aggregatedResults.snapshot; const snapshotsAdded = snapshotResults.added; const snapshotsFailed = snapshotResults.unmatched; const snapshotsOutdated = snapshotResults.unchecked; const snapshotsFilesRemoved = snapshotResults.filesRemoved; const snapshotsDidUpdate = snapshotResults.didUpdate; const snapshotsPassed = snapshotResults.matched; const snapshotsTotal = snapshotResults.total; const snapshotsUpdated = snapshotResults.updated; const suitesFailed = aggregatedResults.numFailedTestSuites; const suitesPassed = aggregatedResults.numPassedTestSuites; const suitesPending = aggregatedResults.numPendingTestSuites; const suitesRun = suitesFailed + suitesPassed; const suitesTotal = aggregatedResults.numTotalTestSuites; const testsFailed = aggregatedResults.numFailedTests; const testsPassed = aggregatedResults.numPassedTests; const testsPending = aggregatedResults.numPendingTests; const testsTodo = aggregatedResults.numTodoTests; const testsTotal = aggregatedResults.numTotalTests; const width = (options && options.width) || 0; const suites = `${ _chalk().default.bold('Test Suites: ') + (suitesFailed ? `${_chalk().default.bold.red(`${suitesFailed} failed`)}, ` : '') + (suitesPending ? `${_chalk().default.bold.yellow(`${suitesPending} skipped`)}, ` : '') + (suitesPassed ? `${_chalk().default.bold.green(`${suitesPassed} passed`)}, ` : '') + (suitesRun !== suitesTotal ? `${suitesRun} of ${suitesTotal}` : suitesTotal) } total`; const updatedTestsFailed = testsFailed + valuesForCurrentTestCases.numFailingTests; const updatedTestsPending = testsPending + valuesForCurrentTestCases.numPendingTests; const updatedTestsTodo = testsTodo + valuesForCurrentTestCases.numTodoTests; const updatedTestsPassed = testsPassed + valuesForCurrentTestCases.numPassingTests; const updatedTestsTotal = testsTotal + valuesForCurrentTestCases.numTotalTests; const tests = `${ _chalk().default.bold('Tests: ') + (updatedTestsFailed > 0 ? `${_chalk().default.bold.red(`${updatedTestsFailed} failed`)}, ` : '') + (updatedTestsPending > 0 ? `${_chalk().default.bold.yellow(`${updatedTestsPending} skipped`)}, ` : '') + (updatedTestsTodo > 0 ? `${_chalk().default.bold.magenta(`${updatedTestsTodo} todo`)}, ` : '') + (updatedTestsPassed > 0 ? `${_chalk().default.bold.green(`${updatedTestsPassed} passed`)}, ` : '') }${updatedTestsTotal} total`; const snapshots = `${ _chalk().default.bold('Snapshots: ') + (snapshotsFailed ? `${_chalk().default.bold.red(`${snapshotsFailed} failed`)}, ` : '') + (snapshotsOutdated && !snapshotsDidUpdate ? `${_chalk().default.bold.yellow(`${snapshotsOutdated} obsolete`)}, ` : '') + (snapshotsOutdated && snapshotsDidUpdate ? `${_chalk().default.bold.green(`${snapshotsOutdated} removed`)}, ` : '') + (snapshotsFilesRemoved && !snapshotsDidUpdate ? `${_chalk().default.bold.yellow( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)( 'file', snapshotsFilesRemoved )} obsolete` )}, ` : '') + (snapshotsFilesRemoved && snapshotsDidUpdate ? `${_chalk().default.bold.green( `${(0, _jestUtil().pluralize)('file', snapshotsFilesRemoved)} removed` )}, ` : '') + (snapshotsUpdated ? `${_chalk().default.bold.green(`${snapshotsUpdated} updated`)}, ` : '') + (snapshotsAdded ? `${_chalk().default.bold.green(`${snapshotsAdded} written`)}, ` : '') + (snapshotsPassed ? `${_chalk().default.bold.green(`${snapshotsPassed} passed`)}, ` : '') }${snapshotsTotal} total`; const time = renderTime(runTime, estimatedTime, width); return [suites, tests, snapshots, time].join('\n'); }