'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _util() { const data = require('util'); _util = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestMessageUtil() { const data = require('jest-message-util'); _jestMessageUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestUtil() { const data = require('jest-util'); _jestUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /* eslint-disable local/prefer-spread-eventually */ const MS_IN_A_YEAR = 31536000000; class FakeTimers { _cancelledTicks; _config; _disposed; _fakeTimerAPIs; _global; _immediates; _maxLoops; _moduleMocker; _now; _ticks; _timerAPIs; _timers; _uuidCounter; _timerConfig; constructor({global, moduleMocker, timerConfig, config, maxLoops}) { this._global = global; this._timerConfig = timerConfig; this._config = config; this._maxLoops = maxLoops || 100000; this._uuidCounter = 1; this._moduleMocker = moduleMocker; // Store original timer APIs for future reference this._timerAPIs = { cancelAnimationFrame: global.cancelAnimationFrame, clearImmediate: global.clearImmediate, clearInterval: global.clearInterval, clearTimeout: global.clearTimeout, nextTick: global.process && global.process.nextTick, requestAnimationFrame: global.requestAnimationFrame, setImmediate: global.setImmediate, setInterval: global.setInterval, setTimeout: global.setTimeout }; this.reset(); } clearAllTimers() { this._immediates = []; this._timers.clear(); } dispose() { this._disposed = true; this.clearAllTimers(); } reset() { this._cancelledTicks = {}; this._now = 0; this._ticks = []; this._immediates = []; this._timers = new Map(); } runAllTicks() { this._checkFakeTimers(); // Only run a generous number of ticks and then bail. // This is just to help avoid recursive loops let i; for (i = 0; i < this._maxLoops; i++) { const tick = this._ticks.shift(); if (tick === undefined) { break; } if ( !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._cancelledTicks, tick.uuid) ) { // Callback may throw, so update the map prior calling. this._cancelledTicks[tick.uuid] = true; tick.callback(); } } if (i === this._maxLoops) { throw new Error( `Ran ${this._maxLoops} ticks, and there are still more! ` + "Assuming we've hit an infinite recursion and bailing out..." ); } } runAllImmediates() { this._checkFakeTimers(); // Only run a generous number of immediates and then bail. let i; for (i = 0; i < this._maxLoops; i++) { const immediate = this._immediates.shift(); if (immediate === undefined) { break; } this._runImmediate(immediate); } if (i === this._maxLoops) { throw new Error( `Ran ${this._maxLoops} immediates, and there are still more! Assuming ` + "we've hit an infinite recursion and bailing out..." ); } } _runImmediate(immediate) { try { immediate.callback(); } finally { this._fakeClearImmediate(immediate.uuid); } } runAllTimers() { this._checkFakeTimers(); this.runAllTicks(); this.runAllImmediates(); // Only run a generous number of timers and then bail. // This is just to help avoid recursive loops let i; for (i = 0; i < this._maxLoops; i++) { const nextTimerHandle = this._getNextTimerHandle(); // If there are no more timer handles, stop! if (nextTimerHandle === null) { break; } this._runTimerHandle(nextTimerHandle); // Some of the immediate calls could be enqueued // during the previous handling of the timers, we should // run them as well. if (this._immediates.length) { this.runAllImmediates(); } if (this._ticks.length) { this.runAllTicks(); } } if (i === this._maxLoops) { throw new Error( `Ran ${this._maxLoops} timers, and there are still more! ` + "Assuming we've hit an infinite recursion and bailing out..." ); } } runOnlyPendingTimers() { // We need to hold the current shape of `this._timers` because existing // timers can add new ones to the map and hence would run more than necessary. // See https://github.com/facebook/jest/pull/4608 for details const timerEntries = Array.from(this._timers.entries()); this._checkFakeTimers(); this._immediates.forEach(this._runImmediate, this); timerEntries .sort(([, left], [, right]) => left.expiry - right.expiry) .forEach(([timerHandle]) => this._runTimerHandle(timerHandle)); } advanceTimersToNextTimer(steps = 1) { if (steps < 1) { return; } const nextExpiry = Array.from(this._timers.values()).reduce( (minExpiry, timer) => { if (minExpiry === null || timer.expiry < minExpiry) return timer.expiry; return minExpiry; }, null ); if (nextExpiry !== null) { this.advanceTimersByTime(nextExpiry - this._now); this.advanceTimersToNextTimer(steps - 1); } } advanceTimersByTime(msToRun) { this._checkFakeTimers(); // Only run a generous number of timers and then bail. // This is just to help avoid recursive loops let i; for (i = 0; i < this._maxLoops; i++) { const timerHandle = this._getNextTimerHandle(); // If there are no more timer handles, stop! if (timerHandle === null) { break; } const timerValue = this._timers.get(timerHandle); if (timerValue === undefined) { break; } const nextTimerExpiry = timerValue.expiry; if (this._now + msToRun < nextTimerExpiry) { // There are no timers between now and the target we're running to, so // adjust our time cursor and quit this._now += msToRun; break; } else { msToRun -= nextTimerExpiry - this._now; this._now = nextTimerExpiry; this._runTimerHandle(timerHandle); } } if (i === this._maxLoops) { throw new Error( `Ran ${this._maxLoops} timers, and there are still more! ` + "Assuming we've hit an infinite recursion and bailing out..." ); } } runWithRealTimers(cb) { const prevClearImmediate = this._global.clearImmediate; const prevClearInterval = this._global.clearInterval; const prevClearTimeout = this._global.clearTimeout; const prevNextTick = this._global.process.nextTick; const prevSetImmediate = this._global.setImmediate; const prevSetInterval = this._global.setInterval; const prevSetTimeout = this._global.setTimeout; this.useRealTimers(); let cbErr = null; let errThrown = false; try { cb(); } catch (e) { errThrown = true; cbErr = e; } this._global.clearImmediate = prevClearImmediate; this._global.clearInterval = prevClearInterval; this._global.clearTimeout = prevClearTimeout; this._global.process.nextTick = prevNextTick; this._global.setImmediate = prevSetImmediate; this._global.setInterval = prevSetInterval; this._global.setTimeout = prevSetTimeout; if (errThrown) { throw cbErr; } } useRealTimers() { const global = this._global; if (typeof global.cancelAnimationFrame === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'cancelAnimationFrame', this._timerAPIs.cancelAnimationFrame ); } if (typeof global.clearImmediate === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'clearImmediate', this._timerAPIs.clearImmediate ); } (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'clearInterval', this._timerAPIs.clearInterval ); (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'clearTimeout', this._timerAPIs.clearTimeout ); if (typeof global.requestAnimationFrame === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'requestAnimationFrame', this._timerAPIs.requestAnimationFrame ); } if (typeof global.setImmediate === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'setImmediate', this._timerAPIs.setImmediate ); } (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'setInterval', this._timerAPIs.setInterval ); (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'setTimeout', this._timerAPIs.setTimeout ); global.process.nextTick = this._timerAPIs.nextTick; } useFakeTimers() { this._createMocks(); const global = this._global; if (typeof global.cancelAnimationFrame === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'cancelAnimationFrame', this._fakeTimerAPIs.cancelAnimationFrame ); } if (typeof global.clearImmediate === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'clearImmediate', this._fakeTimerAPIs.clearImmediate ); } (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'clearInterval', this._fakeTimerAPIs.clearInterval ); (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'clearTimeout', this._fakeTimerAPIs.clearTimeout ); if (typeof global.requestAnimationFrame === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'requestAnimationFrame', this._fakeTimerAPIs.requestAnimationFrame ); } if (typeof global.setImmediate === 'function') { (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'setImmediate', this._fakeTimerAPIs.setImmediate ); } (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'setInterval', this._fakeTimerAPIs.setInterval ); (0, _jestUtil().setGlobal)( global, 'setTimeout', this._fakeTimerAPIs.setTimeout ); global.process.nextTick = this._fakeTimerAPIs.nextTick; } getTimerCount() { this._checkFakeTimers(); return this._timers.size + this._immediates.length + this._ticks.length; } _checkFakeTimers() { // @ts-expect-error: condition always returns 'true' if (this._global.setTimeout !== this._fakeTimerAPIs?.setTimeout) { this._global.console.warn( 'A function to advance timers was called but the timers APIs are not mocked ' + 'with fake timers. Call `jest.useFakeTimers({legacyFakeTimers: true})` ' + 'in this test file or enable fake timers for all tests by setting ' + "{'enableGlobally': true, 'legacyFakeTimers': true} in " + `Jest configuration file.\nStack Trace:\n${(0, _jestMessageUtil().formatStackTrace)( new Error().stack, this._config, { noStackTrace: false } )}` ); } } _createMocks() { const fn = implementation => this._moduleMocker.fn(implementation); const promisifiableFakeSetTimeout = fn(this._fakeSetTimeout.bind(this)); // @ts-expect-error: no index promisifiableFakeSetTimeout[_util().promisify.custom] = (delay, arg) => new Promise(resolve => promisifiableFakeSetTimeout(resolve, delay, arg)); this._fakeTimerAPIs = { cancelAnimationFrame: fn(this._fakeClearTimer.bind(this)), clearImmediate: fn(this._fakeClearImmediate.bind(this)), clearInterval: fn(this._fakeClearTimer.bind(this)), clearTimeout: fn(this._fakeClearTimer.bind(this)), nextTick: fn(this._fakeNextTick.bind(this)), requestAnimationFrame: fn(this._fakeRequestAnimationFrame.bind(this)), setImmediate: fn(this._fakeSetImmediate.bind(this)), setInterval: fn(this._fakeSetInterval.bind(this)), setTimeout: promisifiableFakeSetTimeout }; } _fakeClearTimer(timerRef) { const uuid = this._timerConfig.refToId(timerRef); if (uuid) { this._timers.delete(String(uuid)); } } _fakeClearImmediate(uuid) { this._immediates = this._immediates.filter( immediate => immediate.uuid !== uuid ); } _fakeNextTick(callback, ...args) { if (this._disposed) { return; } const uuid = String(this._uuidCounter++); this._ticks.push({ callback: () => callback.apply(null, args), uuid }); const cancelledTicks = this._cancelledTicks; this._timerAPIs.nextTick(() => { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(cancelledTicks, uuid)) { // Callback may throw, so update the map prior calling. cancelledTicks[uuid] = true; callback.apply(null, args); } }); } _fakeRequestAnimationFrame(callback) { return this._fakeSetTimeout(() => { // TODO: Use performance.now() once it's mocked callback(this._now); }, 1000 / 60); } _fakeSetImmediate(callback, ...args) { if (this._disposed) { return null; } const uuid = String(this._uuidCounter++); this._immediates.push({ callback: () => callback.apply(null, args), uuid }); this._timerAPIs.setImmediate(() => { if (this._immediates.find(x => x.uuid === uuid)) { try { callback.apply(null, args); } finally { this._fakeClearImmediate(uuid); } } }); return uuid; } _fakeSetInterval(callback, intervalDelay, ...args) { if (this._disposed) { return null; } if (intervalDelay == null) { intervalDelay = 0; } const uuid = this._uuidCounter++; this._timers.set(String(uuid), { callback: () => callback.apply(null, args), expiry: this._now + intervalDelay, interval: intervalDelay, type: 'interval' }); return this._timerConfig.idToRef(uuid); } _fakeSetTimeout(callback, delay, ...args) { if (this._disposed) { return null; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise delay = Number(delay) | 0; const uuid = this._uuidCounter++; this._timers.set(String(uuid), { callback: () => callback.apply(null, args), expiry: this._now + delay, interval: undefined, type: 'timeout' }); return this._timerConfig.idToRef(uuid); } _getNextTimerHandle() { let nextTimerHandle = null; let soonestTime = MS_IN_A_YEAR; this._timers.forEach((timer, uuid) => { if (timer.expiry < soonestTime) { soonestTime = timer.expiry; nextTimerHandle = uuid; } }); return nextTimerHandle; } _runTimerHandle(timerHandle) { const timer = this._timers.get(timerHandle); if (!timer) { return; } switch (timer.type) { case 'timeout': this._timers.delete(timerHandle); timer.callback(); break; case 'interval': timer.expiry = this._now + (timer.interval || 0); timer.callback(); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected timer type: ${timer.type}`); } } } exports.default = FakeTimers;