'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _assert() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('assert')); _assert = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _console() { const data = require('console'); _console = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _util() { const data = require('util'); _util = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _chalk() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk')); _chalk = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestUtil() { const data = require('jest-util'); _jestUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ class CustomConsole extends _console().Console { _stdout; _stderr; _formatBuffer; _counters = {}; _timers = {}; _groupDepth = 0; Console = _console().Console; constructor(stdout, stderr, formatBuffer = (_type, message) => message) { super(stdout, stderr); this._stdout = stdout; this._stderr = stderr; this._formatBuffer = formatBuffer; } _log(type, message) { (0, _jestUtil().clearLine)(this._stdout); super.log( this._formatBuffer(type, ' '.repeat(this._groupDepth) + message) ); } _logError(type, message) { (0, _jestUtil().clearLine)(this._stderr); super.error( this._formatBuffer(type, ' '.repeat(this._groupDepth) + message) ); } assert(value, message) { try { (0, _assert().default)(value, message); } catch (error) { this._logError('assert', error.toString()); } } count(label = 'default') { if (!this._counters[label]) { this._counters[label] = 0; } this._log( 'count', (0, _util().format)(`${label}: ${++this._counters[label]}`) ); } countReset(label = 'default') { this._counters[label] = 0; } debug(firstArg, ...args) { this._log('debug', (0, _util().format)(firstArg, ...args)); } dir(firstArg, options = {}) { const representation = (0, _util().inspect)(firstArg, options); this._log('dir', (0, _util().formatWithOptions)(options, representation)); } dirxml(firstArg, ...args) { this._log('dirxml', (0, _util().format)(firstArg, ...args)); } error(firstArg, ...args) { this._logError('error', (0, _util().format)(firstArg, ...args)); } group(title, ...args) { this._groupDepth++; if (title || args.length > 0) { this._log( 'group', _chalk().default.bold((0, _util().format)(title, ...args)) ); } } groupCollapsed(title, ...args) { this._groupDepth++; if (title || args.length > 0) { this._log( 'groupCollapsed', _chalk().default.bold((0, _util().format)(title, ...args)) ); } } groupEnd() { if (this._groupDepth > 0) { this._groupDepth--; } } info(firstArg, ...args) { this._log('info', (0, _util().format)(firstArg, ...args)); } log(firstArg, ...args) { this._log('log', (0, _util().format)(firstArg, ...args)); } time(label = 'default') { if (this._timers[label]) { return; } this._timers[label] = new Date(); } timeEnd(label = 'default') { const startTime = this._timers[label]; if (startTime) { const endTime = new Date().getTime(); const time = endTime - startTime.getTime(); this._log( 'time', (0, _util().format)(`${label}: ${(0, _jestUtil().formatTime)(time)}`) ); delete this._timers[label]; } } timeLog(label = 'default', ...data) { const startTime = this._timers[label]; if (startTime) { const endTime = new Date(); const time = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); this._log( 'time', (0, _util().format)( `${label}: ${(0, _jestUtil().formatTime)(time)}`, ...data ) ); } } warn(firstArg, ...args) { this._logError('warn', (0, _util().format)(firstArg, ...args)); } getBuffer() { return undefined; } } exports.default = CustomConsole;