import { log, MODULE_ID } from "../debug-mode.js"; import { artGalleryDefaultSettings, colorThemes } from "../settings.js"; import { universalInterfaceActions as UIA } from "../data/Universal-Actions.js"; import { HelperFunctions, HelperFunctions as HF } from "./HelperFunctions.js"; import { ArtTileManager } from "./ArtTileManager.js"; const settingsActions = { global: { resetColors: { onClick: () => {}, }, }, item: {}, }; /** * Form app to handle JTCS settings */ export class JTCSSettingsApplication extends FormApplication { constructor(data = {}) { super(); // = data; = game.JTCS.utils.getSettingValue("artGallerySettings"); } static get defaultOptions() { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { classes: ["form"], width: 600, popOut: true, resizable: true, minimizable: true, submitOnClose: false, closeOnSubmit: true, submitOnChange: false, template: `modules/${MODULE_ID}/templates/JTCS-settings-app.hbs`, id: "JTCSSettingsApplication", title: " JTCSSettings Application", scrollY: [".form-content"], onsubmit: (event) => {}, }); } async addArtSceneAndJournalData(dedicatedDisplayData) { const { journal, scene } = dedicatedDisplayData; function mapNameAndId(contents) { const newData = {}; contents.forEach((c) => { newData[] =; }); return newData; } const allJournals = mapNameAndId(game.journal.contents); const artJournalID = journal.value; const artJournalData = { options: allJournals, value: artJournalID, }; const allScenes = mapNameAndId( await ArtTileManager.getAllScenesWithSlideshowData() ); const artSceneID = scene.value; const artSceneData = { options: allScenes, value: artSceneID, }; return { ...dedicatedDisplayData, journal: { ...journal, artJournalData, }, scene: { ...scene, artSceneData, }, }; } async getData() { // Send data to the template // let data = game.JTCS.utils.getSettingValue("artGallerySettings"); = await game.JTCS.utils.getSettingValue("artGallerySettings"); let data = { }; let newDisplayData = await this.addArtSceneAndJournalData( data.dedicatedDisplayData ); setProperty(data, "dedicatedDisplayData", newDisplayData); return data; } activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html);"click").on( "click", "[data-action]", this._handleButtonClick.bind(this) ); this._handleChange(); } async handleAction(event, actionType) {} async _handleChange() { $(`select, input[type='checkbox'], input[type='radio'], input[type='text']`).on( "change", async function (event) { let { value, name, checked, type } = event.currentTarget; let propertyString = ""; switch (type) { case "select": case "radio": //the radio or select data is nested in a parent object that holds both its choices and the chosen value //so we will want to get that parent object instead of the object itself propertyString = name.split(".").splice(0, 2).join("."); break; case "checkbox": value = checked; //if its a checkbox, set its value to whether or not it is checked break; case "text": propertyString = name.split(".").splice(0, 1).join("."); break; default: propertyString = name; break; } let settingsObject = getProperty( artGalleryDefaultSettings, propertyString ); if (settingsObject && settingsObject.hasOwnProperty("onChange")) { let ourApp = game.JTCSSettingsApp; settingsObject.onChange(event, { value: value, app: ourApp, html: ourApp.element, }); } } ); } async _handleButtonClick(event) { let clickedElement = $(event.currentTarget); let action =; let type = clickedElement[0].type; if (type === "submit") { this.element.find("form").on("submit", (e) => { if (action === "closeOnSubmit") { this.close(); } }); return; } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); let backgroundColor = this.element.find("#backgroundColor").val(); let outerWrapper = clickedElement.closest(".outer-wrapper"); const accentElement = outerWrapper.find("[data-responsive-color]"); let accentColor = accentElement.val(); let contrastNotification = outerWrapper.find(".inline-notification"); if (action === "checkContrast") { let hasEnoughContrast = HF.checkIfColorsContrastEnough( backgroundColor, accentColor ); if (!hasEnoughContrast && contrastNotification.length === 0) { await UIA.renderInlineNotification(event, "outer-wrapper", { message: "This color does not have enough contrast with the background color you've chosen. Text and buttons might be unreadable.", notificationType: "warning", }); } else if (hasEnoughContrast && contrastNotification.length > 0) { contrastNotification.remove(); } } else if (action === "toggleAutoContrastOff") { const templatePath = game.JTCS.templates["delete-confirmation-prompt"]; const buttons = { cancel: { label: "Cancel", icon: "", }, delete: { label: "Turn Off Auto-Contrast", icon: "", callback: async () => { await HF.setSettingValue( "artGallerySettings", false, "colorSchemeData.autoContrast" ); this.render(true); }, }, }; const data = { icon: "fas fa-exclamation", heading: "Turn off Auto-Contrast?", destructiveActionText: `Turn off auto contrast`, explanation: `This will make it so your chosen colors aren't automatically adjusted to contrast with your background color;
However you risk choosing colors that make text illegible`, buttons, }; await HF.createDialog("Turn Off Auto Contrast", templatePath, data); } else if (action === "toggleAutoContrastOn") { await HF.setSettingValue( "artGallerySettings", true, "colorSchemeData.autoContrast" ); this.render(true); } else if (action === "resetColor") { let key = accentElement.attr("name"); let theme = await HF.getSettingValue( "artGallerySettings", "colorSchemeData.theme" ); // const newScheme = mergeObject(currentSettings, colorThemes[theme]); const defaultValue = getProperty(colorThemes[theme], key); await HF.setSettingValue("artGallerySettings", defaultValue, key); this.render(true); // accentElement.val(defaultValue); } else if (action === "scrollTo") { const parentItem = clickedElement.closest("form"); UIA.scrollOtherElementIntoView(event, { parentItem }); } else if (action === "applyChanges") { const form = event.currentTarget.closest("form"); const formData = {}; Array.from(form.querySelectorAll("input, select")).forEach((input) => { let value = input.value; if (input.type === "checkbox") { value = input.checked; } formData[] = value; }); await HF.setSettingValue("artGallerySettings", formData, "", true); this.render(true); } else if (action === "setDarkTheme" || action === "setLightTheme") { const theme = action === "setDarkTheme" ? "dark" : "light"; const templatePath = game.JTCS.templates["delete-confirmation-prompt"]; const buttons = { cancel: { label: "Cancel", icon: "", }, reset: { label: `Apply Default ${HF.capitalizeEachWord(theme)} Theme`, icon: "", callback: async () => { //store the chosen theme as a setting await HF.setSettingValue( "artGallerySettings", theme, "colorSchemeData.theme" ); const currentSettings = await HF.getSettingValue( "artGallerySettings" ); const newScheme = mergeObject( currentSettings, colorThemes[theme] ); await HF.setSettingValue("artGallerySettings", newScheme); this.render(true); }, }, }; const data = { icon: "fas fa-exclamation", heading: `Apply Default ${HF.capitalizeEachWord(theme)} Theme?`, destructiveActionText: `Apply Default ${HF.capitalizeEachWord( theme )} Theme`, explanation: `This will overwrite any custom colors you've picked out`, buttons, }; await HF.createDialog("Apply Default Theme", templatePath, data); } } async _updateObject(event, formData) { const autoContrast = await HF.getSettingValue( "artGallerySettings", "colorSchemeData.autoContrast" ); if (autoContrast) { //if auto-contrast is turned on const bgColorKey = "colorSchemeData.colors.backgroundColor"; for (const key in formData) { if (key.includes(".colors.") && !key.includes(bgColorKey)) { //for all the colors, convert the colors const bgColor = formData[bgColorKey]; const fgColor = formData[key]; const hasEnoughContrast = HF.checkIfColorsContrastEnough( bgColor, fgColor ); //only alter the contrast if there isn't enough already if (!hasEnoughContrast) { formData[key] = HF.getColorWithContrast(bgColor, fgColor); } } } } await game.JTCS.utils.setSettingValue("artGallerySettings", formData, "", true); await game.JTCSSettingsApp.render(true); } } window.JTCSSettingsApplication = JTCSSettingsApplication;