import { JTCSModules } from "./init.js"; import { HelperFunctions } from "./classes/HelperFunctions.js"; import { ArtTileManager } from "./classes/ArtTileManager.js"; /** * This sets up most hooks we want to respond to in our code, * grouping hooks with identical * callbacks into arrays on an object * @returns object containing registerHooks function */ export const setupHookHandlers = async () => { async function renderSlideshowConfig(...args) { if (args[2]?.diff && args[1]?.alpha) { //TODO: ? this was a workaround for v10, keeping Scene Gallery Config from re-rendering on update of tile alpha, but should remove //don't update if the changes include alpha return; } if (game.JTCSlideshowConfig && game.JTCSlideshowConfig.rendered) { game.JTCSlideshowConfig.render(false); } } /** * Show a toggle in the journal sheet's header to toggle whether the journal * has controls on or off */ async function renderImageControls(app, html) { if (!game.user.isGM) { return; } await JTCSModules.SheetImageApp.applyImageClasses(app, html); } async function updateGalleryTileIndicator(tileDoc) { let tileID =; //this gets the id from the tile's document itself let sceneGalleryTiles = await JTCSModules.ArtTileManager.getSceneSlideshowTiles( "", true ); let foundTileData = await JTCSModules.ArtTileManager.getTileDataFromFlag( tileID, sceneGalleryTiles ); //this is looking for tiles that are already linked await JTCSModules.CanvasIndicators.setUpIndicators(foundTileData, tileDoc); } async function updateAllGalleryIndicators(scene) { let tiles = scene.tiles; let artTileDataArray = await JTCSModules.ArtTileManager.getSceneSlideshowTiles( "", true ); tiles.forEach(async (tileDoc) => { let foundTileData = artTileDataArray.find( (tileData) => === ); await JTCSModules.CanvasIndicators.setUpIndicators(foundTileData, tileDoc); }); } async function addJTCSControls(controls) { if (!game.user.isGM) { return; } const tileControls = controls.find((control) => control?.name === "tiles");{ name: "ShowJTCSConfig", title: "Show Slideshow Config", icon: "far fa-image", onClick: () => { new JTCSModules.SlideshowConfig().render(true); }, button: true, }); } /** * Re render the image sheet for fresh controls whenever the JTCSSettings, or the SlideshowConfig data for the current scene (individual tile data or the default tile, for instance) is updated * @param {Object} options - option arguments to be passed to this * @param {String} options.origin - the origin of the Hook - was it the settings, or a flag update for the current scene's slideshow settings? * @param {Object} options.currentScene - the scene, usually the current scene * @param {String} options.tileID - the ID of the tile, if updated */ function rerenderImageSheet(options) { const { origin, currentScene, updateData } = options; let renderedSheets = Object.values( (item) => item.document?.documentName ); renderedSheets.forEach((sheet) => { const docType = sheet.document.documentName.toLowerCase(); //if our type of document is set to "true" as rendering controls in the settings //and it's not currently being edited //and we're not telling it to render anyway let editorsActive = HelperFunctions.editorsActive(sheet); if (editorsActive !== true) { sheet.render(); } }); } const hookHandlers = { rerenderImageSheet: { //when the art gallery tiles update, re-render the sheets hooks: [ "updateArtGalleryTiles", "updateDefaultArtTile", "updateJTCSSettings", "canvasReady", ], handlerFunction: rerenderImageSheet, }, renderImageControls: { hooks: [ "renderItemSheet", "renderActorSheet", "renderJournalSheet", "renderJournalPageSheet", "update", ], // hooks: ["renderJournalSheet"], handlerFunction: renderImageControls, }, renderSlideshowConfig: { hooks: [ "createTile", // "updateTile", "preUpdateTile", "deleteTile", "canvasReady", "createJournalEntry", "updateJournalEntry", "deleteJournalEntry", "updateJTCSSettings", // "updateArtGalleryTiles" "updateDefaultArtTile", ], handlerFunction: renderSlideshowConfig, }, updateCanvasIndicators: { hooks: ["createTile", "updateTile", "deleteTile"], handlerFunction: updateGalleryTileIndicator, specialHooks: [ { hookName: "canvasReady", handlerFunction: async (canvas) => { updateAllGalleryIndicators(canvas.scene); }, }, { hookName: "updateJTCSSettings", handlerFunction: async (options) => { // let { currentScene } = options; let currentScene = game.scenes.viewed; await updateAllGalleryIndicators(currentScene); }, }, { hookName: "updateArtGalleryTiles", handlerFunction: async (options) => { // let { currentScene } = options; let currentScene = game.scenes.viewed; await updateAllGalleryIndicators(currentScene); }, }, { hookName: "updateDefaultArtTile", handlerFunction: async (options) => { let currentScene = game.scenes.viewed; await updateAllGalleryIndicators(currentScene); }, }, ], }, addJTCSControls: { hooks: ["getSceneControlButtons"], handlerFunction: addJTCSControls, }, updateUIColors: { hooks: ["updateJTCSSettings"], handlerFunction: async () => { await HelperFunctions.setUIColors(); }, }, updateDefaultArtTile: { hooks: ["deleteTile"], handlerFunction: async (tileDoc) => { // let tiles = (await ArtTileManager.getSceneSlideshowTiles("art", true)).filter((item)=> !item.missing) // if(tiles){ // } // await ArtTileManager.updateDefaultArtTile(tileDoc); }, }, }; async function registerHooks() { for (let handlerKey in hookHandlers) { let handler = hookHandlers[handlerKey]; if (handler.specialHooks) { handler.specialHooks.forEach((specialHookData) => { let { hookName, handlerFunction: callback } = specialHookData; Hooks.on(hookName, callback); }); } for (let hookName of handler.hooks) { Hooks.on(hookName, handler.handlerFunction); // Hooks.once(hookName, handler.handlerFunction); } } } return { registerHooks: registerHooks, }; };