const validatorExpressions = { noWhitespaceStart: /^[\S]+/, }; const notificationIcons = { danger: "fas fa-exclamation-circle", warning: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle", }; /** * Hide (or show) all of an element's sibling elements * @param {event} event - the event that triggered this */ function toggleHideAllSiblings(event, currentTarget) { if (!event && !currentTarget) return; if (!currentTarget) currentTarget = event.currentTarget; const siblings = Array.from(currentTarget.parentNode.children).filter( (item) => !item.isSameNode(currentTarget) ); if (currentTarget.classList.contains("active")) { siblings.forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("JTCS-hidden")); } else { siblings.forEach((el) => el.classList.add("JTCS-hidden")); } } function fadeSheetOpacity(event, selector = ".window-content") { event.preventDefault(); const windowContent = event.currentTarget.closest(selector); const faded = windowContent.classList.contains("fade") || windowContent.classList.contains("fade-all"); if (faded) { windowContent.classList.remove("fade"); } else { windowContent.classList.add("fade"); } } /** * Insert a notification inline * @param {*} event - the event that triggered this notification * @param {*} ancestorSelector - the ancestor element into which we want to insert this notification element * @param {Object} options - options to customize this notification * @param {String} options.message - the notification message * @param {String} options.notificationType - the type of notification, to affect its icon and styling */ async function renderInlineNotification( event, ancestorSelector = "formGroup", options = {} ) { let { notificationType, icon } = options; if (!icon) { if (notificationType) { options.icon = notificationIcons[notificationType]; } else { notificationType = "error"; options.icon = notificationIcons[notificationType]; } } const parentItem = event.currentTarget.closest(`.${ancestorSelector}`); let template = game.JTCS.templates["notification-badge"]; let renderHTML = await renderTemplate(template, options); parentItem.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", renderHTML); } function setAnimDefaults(animOptions) { const defaultOptions = { isFadeOut: false, duration: 300, onFadeOut: ($el, event) => { $el.remove(); }, }; return mergeObject(defaultOptions, animOptions); } /** * * for fading objects in and out when they enter or exit the DOM * @param {JQuery} $element - Jquery object representing element to fade * @param {Object} options - the options object * @param {Number} options.duration - default fade animation duration * @param {Boolean} options.isFadeOut - a boolean determining whether or not this should fade in our out * @param {Function} options.onFadeOut - the callback to handle what happens when the fade animation is complete */ async function fade($element, options = {}) { const { duration, isFadeOut, onFadeOut, onCancel } = setAnimDefaults(options); if ($element.length === 0) return; let fadeAnim = $element[0].animate( [ // keyframes { opacity: isFadeOut ? "100%" : "0%" }, { opacity: isFadeOut ? "0%" : "100%" }, ], { // timing options duration: duration, } ); fadeAnim.addEventListener("finish", (event) => { if (isFadeOut) { onFadeOut($element, event); } }); fadeAnim.addEventListener("cancel", (event) => { if (onCancel) { onCancel($element, event); } }); return fadeAnim; } /** * Handle the adding and removal of classes and triggering of animations to hide and fade elements * @param {JQuery} $element - the JQuery object representing DOM Element we want to show or hide */ async function handleVisibilityTransitions($element) { //if the class already has hidden, set it to fadeIn rather than out const isFadeOut = $element.hasClass("JTCS-hidden") ? false : true; //if we're fading in, remove the hidden class if (!isFadeOut) $($element).removeClass("JTCS-hidden"); //set our fade animation options let options = { isFadeOut, onFadeOut: ($element, event) => $element.addClass("JTCS-hidden"), }; //handle the fade animation //? Fade will handle the opacity, while our "JTCS-hidden" class handles everything else (transform, clip rect, position absolute, etc.) fade($($element), options); } function toggleActiveStyles(event, el, useInitialTarget = true) { if (!el) { el = event.currentTarget; if (useInitialTarget) { //use target instead of currentTarget el =; } } if (el.classList.contains("active")) { el.classList.remove("active"); } else { el.classList.add("active"); } } /** * Turn off other elements that have active styles * @param {HTMLEvent} event - the triggering event * @param {Element} el - the element on which to apply the active styles * @param {String} otherSelector - a selector to find other elements that are set to "active" */ function clearOtherActiveStyles(event, el, otherSelector, parentSelector) { const parentItem = el.closest(parentSelector); let others = Array.from(parentItem.querySelectorAll(otherSelector)).filter( (item) => !item.isSameNode(el) ); others = others.filter((other) => other.classList.contains("active")); others.forEach((other) => toggleActiveStyles(event, other)); } export const universalInterfaceActions = { /** * * Show or hide another element * @param {HTMLEvent} event - the event that provoked this * @param {Object} options - options object * @param {HTMLElement} options.parentItem - the parent item in which to find the element we want to hide/show * @param {String} options.targetClassSelector - the class of the item we want to show */ toggleShowAnotherElement: (event, options) => { let { parentItem, targetClassSelector, fadeIn = true } = options; let el = event.currentTarget; let targetID = el?.dataset.targetId; let target; if (targetID) { target = parentItem.querySelector(`#${targetID}`); } else { target = parentItem.querySelector(`.${targetClassSelector}`); } if (target) { if (fadeIn) { handleVisibilityTransitions($(target)); } else { $(target).removeClass("JTCS-hidden"); } } }, toggleActiveStyles: toggleActiveStyles, clearOtherActiveStyles: clearOtherActiveStyles, fadeSheetOpacity: fadeSheetOpacity, toggleHideSelf: (event) => { let el = event.currentTarget; el.classList.toggle("JTCS-hidden"); }, toggleHideAncestor: (event, options) => { let { ancestorSelector } = options; let el = event.currentTarget; el.closest(ancestorSelector).classList.toggle("JTCS-hidden"); // parentItem.classList.toggle("JTCS-hidden"); }, toggleHideAllSiblings, scrollOtherElementIntoView: (event, options) => { const { parentItem: $parentItem } = options; let currentTarget = event.currentTarget; let scrollTargetID =; let scrollTarget = $parentItem.find(`#${scrollTargetID}`); scrollTarget[0].scrollIntoView(); clearOtherActiveStyles( event, currentTarget, "[data-action='scrollTo']", "#JTCSsettingsHeader" ); toggleActiveStyles(event, currentTarget); }, renderAnotherApp: async (appName, constructor) => { //if global variable's not initialized, initialize it if (!game[appName]) game[appName] = new constructor(); //if it's not rendered, render it if (!game[appName].rendered) { await game[appName].render(true); // window[appName] = constructor; } else { //if it is rendered, bring it to the top await game[appName].bringToTop(); } }, renderInlineNotification: renderInlineNotification, fade, validateInput: async ( event, validators = { noWhitespaceStart: { notificationType: "error", message: "Please enter a value that doesn't start with a white space", }, } ) => { const { value } = event.currentTarget; const validatorKeys = Object.keys(validators); let allValid = true; /// do validation here let firstInvalidObject = {}; validatorKeys.forEach((key) => { const regexp = validatorExpressions[key]; let isValid = regexp.test(value); if (!isValid) { //if one expression doesn't match //set the full "allValid" boolean to false allValid = false; firstInvalidObject = validators[key]; let { notificationType: type } = firstInvalidObject; firstInvalidObject.icon = notificationIcons[type]; } }); //if one of the validators returns invalid, show a notification if (!allValid) { await renderInlineNotification(event, "form-group", firstInvalidObject); } return allValid; }, };