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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
export declare type ClassLike = {
new (...args: any): any;
export declare type ConstructorLikeKeys<T> = keyof {
[K in keyof T as T[K] extends ClassLike ? K : never]: T[K];
export declare const fn: <T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction>(
implementation?: T | undefined,
) => Mock<T>;
export declare type FunctionLike = (...args: any) => any;
export declare type MethodLikeKeys<T> = keyof {
[K in keyof T as T[K] extends FunctionLike ? K : never]: T[K];
* All what the internal typings need is to be sure that we have any-function.
* `FunctionLike` type ensures that and helps to constrain the type as well.
* The default of `UnknownFunction` makes sure that `any`s do not leak to the
* user side. For instance, calling `fn()` without implementation will return
* a mock of `(...args: Array<unknown>) => unknown` type. If implementation
* is provided, its typings are inferred correctly.
export declare interface Mock<T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction>
extends Function,
MockInstance<T> {
new (...args: Parameters<T>): ReturnType<T>;
(...args: Parameters<T>): ReturnType<T>;
export declare type Mocked<T extends object> = T extends ClassLike
? MockedClass<T>
: T extends FunctionLike
? MockedFunction<T>
: T extends object
? MockedObject<T>
: T;
export declare const mocked: {
<T extends object>(
source: T,
options?: {
shallow: false;
): Mocked<T>;
<T_1 extends object>(
source: T_1,
options: {
shallow: true;
): MockedShallow<T_1>;
export declare type MockedClass<T extends ClassLike> = MockInstance<
(...args: ConstructorParameters<T>) => Mocked<InstanceType<T>>
> &
export declare type MockedFunction<T extends FunctionLike> = MockInstance<T> &
declare type MockedFunctionShallow<T extends FunctionLike> = MockInstance<T> &
export declare type MockedObject<T extends object> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends ClassLike
? MockedClass<T[K]>
: T[K] extends FunctionLike
? MockedFunction<T[K]>
: T[K] extends object
? MockedObject<T[K]>
: T[K];
} & T;
declare type MockedObjectShallow<T extends object> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends ClassLike
? MockedClass<T[K]>
: T[K] extends FunctionLike
? MockedFunctionShallow<T[K]>
: T[K];
} & T;
export declare type MockedShallow<T extends object> = T extends ClassLike
? MockedClass<T>
: T extends FunctionLike
? MockedFunctionShallow<T>
: T extends object
? MockedObjectShallow<T>
: T;
export declare type MockFunctionMetadata<
T extends UnknownFunction = UnknownFunction,
MetadataType = MockFunctionMetadataType,
> = {
ref?: number;
members?: Record<string, MockFunctionMetadata<T>>;
mockImpl?: T;
name?: string;
refID?: number;
type?: MetadataType;
value?: ReturnType<T>;
length?: number;
export declare type MockFunctionMetadataType =
| 'object'
| 'array'
| 'regexp'
| 'function'
| 'constant'
| 'collection'
| 'null'
| 'undefined';
declare type MockFunctionResult<T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction> =
| MockFunctionResultIncomplete
| MockFunctionResultReturn<T>
| MockFunctionResultThrow;
declare type MockFunctionResultIncomplete = {
type: 'incomplete';
* Result of a single call to a mock function that has not yet completed.
* This occurs if you test the result from within the mock function itself,
* or from within a function that was called by the mock.
value: undefined;
declare type MockFunctionResultReturn<
T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction,
> = {
type: 'return';
* Result of a single call to a mock function that returned.
value: ReturnType<T>;
declare type MockFunctionResultThrow = {
type: 'throw';
* Result of a single call to a mock function that threw.
value: unknown;
declare type MockFunctionState<T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction> = {
* List of the call arguments of all calls that have been made to the mock.
calls: Array<Parameters<T>>;
* List of all the object instances that have been instantiated from the mock.
instances: Array<ReturnType<T>>;
* List of all the function contexts that have been applied to calls to the mock.
contexts: Array<ThisParameterType<T>>;
* List of the call order indexes of the mock. Jest is indexing the order of
* invocations of all mocks in a test file. The index is starting with `1`.
invocationCallOrder: Array<number>;
* List of the call arguments of the last call that was made to the mock.
* If the function was not called, it will return `undefined`.
lastCall?: Parameters<T>;
* List of the results of all calls that have been made to the mock.
results: Array<MockFunctionResult<T>>;
export declare interface MockInstance<
T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction,
> {
_isMockFunction: true;
_protoImpl: Function;
getMockImplementation(): T | undefined;
getMockName(): string;
mock: MockFunctionState<T>;
mockClear(): this;
mockReset(): this;
mockRestore(): void;
mockImplementation(fn: T): this;
mockImplementationOnce(fn: T): this;
mockName(name: string): this;
mockReturnThis(): this;
mockReturnValue(value: ReturnType<T>): this;
mockReturnValueOnce(value: ReturnType<T>): this;
mockResolvedValue(value: ResolveType<T>): this;
mockResolvedValueOnce(value: ResolveType<T>): this;
mockRejectedValue(value: RejectType<T>): this;
mockRejectedValueOnce(value: RejectType<T>): this;
export declare class ModuleMocker {
private _environmentGlobal;
private _mockState;
private _mockConfigRegistry;
private _spyState;
private _invocationCallCounter;
* @see README.md
* @param global Global object of the test environment, used to create
* mocks
constructor(global: typeof globalThis);
private _getSlots;
private _ensureMockConfig;
private _ensureMockState;
private _defaultMockConfig;
private _defaultMockState;
private _makeComponent;
private _createMockFunction;
private _generateMock;
* @see README.md
* @param metadata Metadata for the mock in the schema returned by the
* getMetadata method of this module.
generateFromMetadata<T extends UnknownFunction>(
metadata: MockFunctionMetadata<T>,
): Mock<T>;
* @see README.md
* @param component The component for which to retrieve metadata.
getMetadata<T extends UnknownFunction>(
component: ReturnType<T>,
_refs?: Map<ReturnType<T>, number>,
): MockFunctionMetadata<T> | null;
isMockFunction<T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction>(
fn: SpyInstance<T>,
): fn is SpyInstance<T>;
isMockFunction<P extends Array<unknown>, R extends unknown>(
fn: (...args: P) => R,
): fn is Mock<(...args: P) => R>;
isMockFunction(fn: unknown): fn is Mock<UnknownFunction>;
fn<T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction>(implementation?: T): Mock<T>;
spyOn<T extends object, M extends PropertyLikeKeys<T>>(
object: T,
methodName: M,
accessType: 'get',
): SpyInstance<() => T[M]>;
spyOn<T extends object, M extends PropertyLikeKeys<T>>(
object: T,
methodName: M,
accessType: 'set',
): SpyInstance<(arg: T[M]) => void>;
spyOn<T extends object, M extends ConstructorLikeKeys<T>>(
object: T,
methodName: M,
): T[M] extends ClassLike
? SpyInstance<(...args: ConstructorParameters<T[M]>) => InstanceType<T[M]>>
: never;
spyOn<T extends object, M extends MethodLikeKeys<T>>(
object: T,
methodName: M,
): T[M] extends FunctionLike
? SpyInstance<(...args: Parameters<T[M]>) => ReturnType<T[M]>>
: never;
private _spyOnProperty;
clearAllMocks(): void;
resetAllMocks(): void;
restoreAllMocks(): void;
private _typeOf;
mocked<T extends object>(
source: T,
options?: {
shallow: false;
): Mocked<T>;
mocked<T extends object>(
source: T,
options: {
shallow: true;
): MockedShallow<T>;
export declare type PropertyLikeKeys<T> = Exclude<
keyof T,
ConstructorLikeKeys<T> | MethodLikeKeys<T>
declare type RejectType<T extends FunctionLike> =
ReturnType<T> extends PromiseLike<any> ? unknown : never;
declare type ResolveType<T extends FunctionLike> =
ReturnType<T> extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : never;
export declare interface SpyInstance<T extends FunctionLike = UnknownFunction>
extends MockInstance<T> {}
declare const spyOn_2: {
T extends object,
M extends Exclude<
keyof T,
| keyof {[K in keyof T as T[K] extends ClassLike ? K : never]: T[K]}
| keyof {
[K_1 in keyof T as T[K_1] extends FunctionLike ? K_1 : never]: T[K_1];
object: T,
methodName: M,
accessType: 'get',
): SpyInstance<() => T[M]>;
T_1 extends object,
M_1 extends Exclude<
keyof T_1,
| keyof {
[K_2 in keyof T_1 as T_1[K_2] extends ClassLike
? K_2
: never]: T_1[K_2];
| keyof {
[K_3 in keyof T_1 as T_1[K_3] extends FunctionLike
? K_3
: never]: T_1[K_3];
object: T_1,
methodName: M_1,
accessType: 'set',
): SpyInstance<(arg: T_1[M_1]) => void>;
T_2 extends object,
M_2 extends keyof {
[K_4 in keyof T_2 as T_2[K_4] extends ClassLike ? K_4 : never]: T_2[K_4];
object: T_2,
methodName: M_2,
): T_2[M_2] extends ClassLike
? SpyInstance<
(...args: ConstructorParameters<T_2[M_2]>) => InstanceType<T_2[M_2]>
: never;
T_3 extends object,
M_3 extends keyof {
[K_5 in keyof T_3 as T_3[K_5] extends FunctionLike
? K_5
: never]: T_3[K_5];
object: T_3,
methodName: M_3,
): T_3[M_3] extends FunctionLike
? SpyInstance<(...args: Parameters<T_3[M_3]>) => ReturnType<T_3[M_3]>>
: never;
export {spyOn_2 as spyOn};
export declare type UnknownFunction = (...args: Array<unknown>) => unknown;
export {};